2186 results found
Health topics
… Some prescribed medicines can change your heart rate, blood pressure, and overall ability to exercise. It's … capacity? Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors No Lower BP No Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) No Lower BP No Antiarrhythmic agents May lower HR, depending on …
Health topics
… with sickle cell disease suddenly stops producing red blood cells. This causes sudden and severe anemia . The … This is the virus that causes fifth disease in children. Blood transfusions might be done to treat an aplastic crisis. This means you receive healthy blood from another person. After a few days, the bone marrow …
Health topics
… insufficiency? Venous insufficiency is a problem with the flow of blood from the veins of the legs back to the heart. The … veins of the legs might not work as they should. This can allow blood to leak backward. It can lead to problems that …
Health topics
… Your overall health . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the … are in an area where heavy traffic or other problems may slow you down. Seek Care Today Based on your answers, you may …
Health topics
… Basics What is leukemia? Leukemia is cancer of the blood cells. It starts in the bone marrow, the soft tissue … make you feel sick right away. Chronic leukemia gets worse slowly and may not cause symptoms for years. It may be … make you feel sick right away. Chronic leukemia gets worse slowly and may not cause symptoms for years. It may be …
Health topics
… Femoral-tibial bypass is a type of surgery. It redirects blood around blocked blood vessels in your lower leg or foot. It is often done if you have pain. Or it … femoral artery in your groin to the tibial artery in your lower leg or foot. You will be asleep during the surgery. Or …
Health topics
… Raynaud's (say "ray-NOHZ") phenomenon occurs when the blood vessels in the hands and feet are extra sensitive and … body warm. But with Raynaud's, the body restricts blood flow to the skin more than it needs to. Other triggers can include emotional stress and things that affect the flow of blood, such as smoking and some medicines. What are …
Health topics
… cases of recurrent miscarriage . This syndrome increases blood clotting. It can cause dangerous blood clots (thrombosis) and problems with blood flow. Sometimes the only sign of this syndrome is an early … dangerous blood clots (thrombosis) and problems with blood flow. Sometimes the only sign of this syndrome is an early …
Health topics
… by atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and high blood pressure, traumatic injury to the chest, such as being … syndrome . Any one or any combination of the following may cause aortic dissection: High blood pressure. … syndrome . Any one or any combination of the following may cause aortic dissection: High blood pressure. …
Health topics
… including coronary artery disease, heart failure and high blood pressure, which is the most common. Each of these can … is safe and can improve: The health of your heart and blood vessels Physical fitness and function Quality of life … Toolkit consists of handouts on physical activity for high blood pressure (Topics F and G) and chronic heart failure …