2186 results found
Health topics
… infection. These include burning when you urinate. In your blood or more widespread, you may have a fever and feel very … will take a sample of your infected wound or a sample of blood, urine, or mucus (sputum) coughed up from the lungs. … The doctor will take a sample of your infected wound or a blood or urine sample. The sample is tested to see which …
Health topics
… can be more serious for people with weak immune systems or blood disorders, such as sickle cell disease. It can also … or joint pain. If you give medicine to your baby, follow your doctor's advice about what amount to give. Be safe with medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. Get extra rest. Drink …
Health topics
… this procedure, the affected leg is propped up to drain blood. Then the sclerosant is injected into the varicose or … and what type of sclerosant is used. Another technique allows your doctor to inject sclerosant with a catheter. This … vein with the help of duplex ultrasound . This process allows sclerotherapy treatment to be used on larger varicose …
Health topics
… First the doctor will put a thin, flexible tube into a blood vessel in the upper thigh. The tube is called a … to your regular activities. You will likely have a follow-up appointment several weeks after your procedure. Why … to your regular activities. You will likely have a follow-up appointment several weeks after your procedure. Why …
Health topics
… prostate heals, it shrinks, reducing the blockage of urine flow. This treatment is done in a single session. It usually … One study showed that TUMT improved symptoms and urine flow better than the alpha-blocker terazosin when checked 6 … of urine (urge incontinence). Irritation of the urethra and blood in the urine (though not as much as with TURP). Men …
Health topics
… locates areas of the heart muscle that have inadequate blood flow compared with areas that have normal flow. Inadequate blood flow may mean that coronary arteries …
Health topics
… of the heart chambers. It occurs when germs get into the bloodstream and settle inside the heart, often on a valve . … days of infection. In other cases, they may develop more slowly. The symptoms will get worse as the bacteria or fungi … a heart valve or to prevent complications. You may have follow-up visits for months or years to check the health of …
Health topics
… Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a cancer of the blood cells. It's a type of leukemia in which the bone … Instead, they become leukemia cells. These leukemia cells slowly crowd out normal blood cells in the blood, bone … chronic lymphoblastic leukemia. It usually gets worse slowly. What causes it? Experts don't know what causes …
Health topics
… this stage, an accurate diagnosis can only be made through blood testing, the person's history, or the birth of a child … the illness. During this stage, syphilis may cause serious blood vessel and heart problems, mental disorders, … skin. Cardiovascular syphilis. This affects the heart and blood vessels. Neurosyphilis. This affects the nervous …
Health topics
… tissue closes the vein. A closed vein loses its source of blood and dies. Simple laser treatment Simple laser vein … Your doctor will tell you how long to wear them. To follow up, your doctor will use duplex ultrasound to make sure … Your doctor will tell you how long to wear them. To follow up, your doctor will use duplex ultrasound to make sure …