2186 results found
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… after surgery, you'll probably take medicine to prevent blood clots. It usually takes a few months to get back to … through the side or back or your hip, you'll need to follow "hip precautions" until your hip is fully healed. Most … the imaginary line down the middle of your body. Keep a pillow between your knees when you are lying down. There are …
Health topics
… and do a physical examination. Your child may also have blood tests and a urine test. How is JIA treated? JIA is … long-term outlook. Starting treatment early may help lower the chance of long-term problems. When to Call a … of juvenile arthritis. Call your doctor if any of the following symptoms continue for more than 2 days: A child has …
Health topics
… done. Some common tests that your child may need include: A blood test. A urine test. An X-ray . If your child is … put into his or her arm. You know your child best, so allow enough time before the test to explain what will happen. … knee, to describe the amount of blood. Ask your doctor to allow your child to touch any of the objects used in the test …
Health topics
… are important Clinical trials are important because they allow researchers to find out if a new treatment works as well … After that: You will be given a structured program to follow. You will have a schedule of tests, doctor appointments, … may be part of your treatment team. Be sure to carefully follow instructions. If you don't know what you are supposed to …
Health topics
… , pay attention to your body's signals to gradually slow down or change your routine as your pregnancy advances. … doing and contact your doctor if you notice any of the following: footnote 3 Excessive fatigue or shortness of breath … size and weight of your uterus will press on the large blood vessel that returns blood from your lower body to your …
Health topics
… about the pros and cons, the easier it may be to follow your doctor's advice. What can you do and not do on … from bedrest? The biggest risk for women on bedrest is blood clots ( deep vein thrombosis ) in your leg or lungs. … to train yourself to sleep on your side. Use extra pillows for support. When you lie on your side, you may want to …
Health topics
… the symptoms? The most common symptom of PID is pain in the lower belly. It's often described as cramping or a dull and … You may have tests for common causes of PID and blood tests to check for signs of infection. Your doctor may … Sex Symptoms The most common symptom of PID is pain in the lower belly. The pain is often described as cramping or a …
Health topics
… the incision as it heals. Caring for your incision may help lower the risk of problems like infection. Your doctor may … If you did not get instructions from your doctor, follow this general advice. Tips for reducing the risk of … Does not decrease after a few days. Becomes bright red with blood or contains pus. The incisions may be protected with …
Health topics
… shoes depends on how quickly you recover. You may need a follow-up X-ray . Why It Is Done If you have severe pain in a … bleeding, and pain, which can occur after any surgery. Slow healing. Long-term (chronic) swelling of the affected … toe. Risks of anesthesia , such as a change in your blood pressure . Your specific risks depend on the type of …
Health topics
… wound so if the area swells, the jewellery will not affect blood flow. Apply steady, direct pressure for a full 15 minutes. … directly over it. If moderate to severe bleeding has not slowed or stopped, continue direct pressure while getting …