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Health topics
… Physical changes can include damage to or loss of nerves, blood vessels, or organs from the growth of the cancer or … Physical changes can include damage to or loss of nerves, blood vessels, or organs from the growth of the cancer or …
Health topics
… a minor surgery. In most cases, if you get some rest and follow the instructions your surgeon gave you, you will feel … it hurt when you breathe? This can be a warning sign of a blood clot in the lung, called a pulmonary embolism . Yes … a fever? Yes Possible fever No Possible fever Do you have diabetes or a weakened immune system? What weakens the …
Health topics
… Your overall health . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay … are in an area where heavy traffic or other problems may slow you down. Where to get help 24 hours a day, 7 days a … about specific fears or situations. Then make a plan for dealing with it. For example, if you are always worrying …
Health topics
… of nerves that goes from the base of the brain to the lower back. It runs through the spinal canal, a tunnel … to the spine and spinal cord. Steps are taken to get your blood pressure stable and help you breathe. You may get a … spasticity . Exercise can also help prevent heart problems, diabetes, pressure injuries, pneumonia, high blood pressure, …
Health topics
… planning tips Use the menu planner and grocery list shown below as you follow these steps: Get out your cookbooks and … MD - Family Medicine Rhonda O'Brien MS, RD, CDE - Certified Diabetes Educator Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: … - Family Medicine & Rhonda O'Brien MS, RD, CDE - Certified Diabetes Educator This information does not replace the …
Health topics
… toe problems are linked with other conditions, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, or an injury to the … that could be related, such as arthritis, diabetes, or poor blood flow (circulation). During the physical examination, your …
Health topics
… BMI, the greater the risk of some diseases, such as high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, stroke, osteoarthritis, some cancers, and type 2 diabetes. Being aware of your risk can help you think about whether you might want to make some changes to help lower that risk. U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood
Health topics
… as it should. This forces your heart to work harder to pump blood through the valve, which can weaken the heart and … valve stenosis are caused by rheumatic fever, which can follow an untreated strep throat infection. But many people who … if you need to. Manage other health problems. These include diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. If you …
Health topics
… you use drugs? Drugs target a part of your brain that allows you to feel pleasure. This causes your brain to release … harm the brain. They can also damage the liver, kidneys, blood, and bone marrow. Club drugs , like ecstasy (MDMA) and … overdose and become dependent on the drug than if you swallowed it. These methods give you a fast and intense "high," …