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Health topics
… have a parent with the disease, you have a 50% chance of getting the changed gene and the disease. But there is no … to be tested because: You want to know whether you will get the disease so you can prepare yourself and your family … You think the anxiety of not knowing whether you will get the disease is worse than the certainty of knowing that …
Health topics
… reset your heart's rhythm. Before the treatment, you will get medicine to make you sleepy. You should not feel any … Your doctor will put patches on your chest . Or you might get them on both your chest and back. They send a brief … How Well It Works After this treatment, most people get back a normal heart rhythm right away. But for many …
Health topics
… Information Treatment Overview Oxygen therapy helps you get more oxygen into your lungs and bloodstream. You may use … containers can hold more oxygen. There are two ways to get the oxygen into your lungs: The nasal cannula is a … higher flow of oxygen. But a face mask is less portable and gets in the way of talking and eating. Why It Is Done Oxygen …
Health topics
… Here are some general tips for how to lower the chance of getting injured in the home. Pad sharp corners on furniture … or as recommended by the manufacturer. Have a plan for getting out of the home if there is a fire. Practice by … safe at home. Don't move furniture around. The person may get confused. Use locks on doors and cupboards. Lock up …
Health topics
… are the worst in the first 5 days. Most children get better in 1 to 2 weeks. How is it diagnosed? A doctor … cases, your child may need to stay in the hospital or get extra oxygen. How can you prevent it? It is common for children to get respiratory problems (such as bronchiolitis caused by a …
Health topics
… results change the treatment? If yes, explain: How do I get the test results? What home treatment can I do? Ask the … discuss them with your health professional now. Where can I get more information about this problem or the treatment? How soon do I need to make a decision about getting a test or starting treatment? What signs and …
Health topics
… diverticulitis . Most people who have diverticulosis never get diverticulitis. In many cases, diverticulosis is … time symptoms occur (if they do). Over time, some people get an infection in the pouches (diverticulitis). The … avoid constipation. Here are some ideas: Include fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains in your diet each day. …
Health topics
… a weakened immune system, or edema . They also tend to get sicker from cellulitis. And they are more likely to get cellulitis again. What causes it? Cellulitis is caused by bacteria, most often strep or staph. You can get infected after any event that causes a break in the …
Health topics
… quality of your life. The best way to stop smoking is to get help and to follow a plan. You can increase your chances … replacement therapy (gum, lozenges, patches, or inhalers). Get counselling (by phone, group, or one-on-one). Taking medicine while also getting counselling works even better for quitting smoking. …
Health topics
… in both men and women. Men Men who smoke may have trouble getting and keeping an erection. This is because smoking can … This may also make it more difficult for enough blood to get into the penis for a normal erection. Quitting smoking … cycles or periods. Women who smoke may also take longer to get pregnant. Quitting Smoking …