3063 results found
Health topics
… to learn the steps you need to take to keep yourself as healthy as possible during your hospital stay. Wash your … workers already know they must do this, but sometimes they get in a hurry and forget. If you don't see them wash their hands in your room, …
Health topics
… footnote 1 The two main types of treatment are: Heart-healthy lifestyle. Medicines called statins. The way you … health problems. Statins You and your doctor can work together to understand your risks and what treatment is best … health problems. Statins You and your doctor can work together to understand your risks and what treatment is best …
Health topics
… What Should I Do If I'm at High Risk? Diabetes: Should I Get an Insulin Pump? Advance Care Planning: Should I Have … Should I Have a Tubal Procedure or In Vitro Fertilization? Healthy Aging: Is It Time to Stop Driving? Hearing Loss: Should I Get a Hearing Aid? Heart Failure: Should I Get an …
Health topics
… There are many tools and resources available to help with getting and staying physically active. These include ones to … make a plan for physical activity. PAR-Q+ and ePARmed-X+ Get Active Questionnaire (Canadian Society for Exercise … log If you have questions about or would like support with healthy physical activity, sedentary behaviour or sleep for …
Health topics
… Keeping your teeth , gums, and the bones around your teeth healthy requires regular brushing, flossing, and good … These include: Your age . Babies and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health . If you have a … to relieve the symptoms. Call your doctor if symptoms get worse or you have any concerns (for example, if symptoms …
Health topics
… symptoms and help you stay active. Your symptoms may not get worse for many years. Post-polio syndrome usually … progresses very slowly. Only people who have had polio can get post-polio syndrome. But having post-polio syndrome … your doctor about what medicines can help. Try to stay at a healthy weight. This can help reduce stress on your joints. …
Health topics
… But even when you don't have an emergency medical problem, getting ready to go to the hospital may leave you feeling … steps to prepare for your stay ahead of time, you can get control of some of that stress and save that energy for … help to your family. Decide about banking blood. If you are going to have surgery and expect to need a blood transfusion …
Health topics
… bowel movements. That's because they've been taught that a healthy child has a bowel movement every day. But this isn't … older, the number of bowel movements they have each day gets smaller and the size of their stools gets bigger. A child age 3 or 4 years may have as many as 3 …
Health topics
… and avoiding your triggers, you can limit how often you get migraines and how bad they are. Try to avoid as many … such as strong feelings or stressful events. When you get a headache and how bad it is. What medicine you take when you get a headache, and how well it works. Over time, you may …
Health topics
… diseases, and blindness from macular degeneration. They get sick less often, heal faster, and have fewer colds and … Your shortness of breath, energy, and asthma symptoms may get better after you quit. You may tire less easily after … pregnant, you'll help your baby get the oxygen needed for a healthy start. Underweight babies and problems during …