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2785 results found
Health topics
… because you're weak or because your beliefs aren't strong enough. It's because you are human. Your spiritual … because you're weak or because your beliefs aren't strong enough. It's because you are human. Your spiritual …
Health topics
… Even one glass of this juice—at any time of the day—is enough to cause certain medicines to work differently. … Even one glass of this juice—at any time of the day—is enough to cause certain medicines to work differently. …
Health topics
… 3 or 4. Don't wait until your hunger gets down to 1 or 2. Getting too hungry can lead to overeating. When you sit down … love. Just keep listening to your body signals and eat only enough to reach that "satisfied" level. A few more tips Try … 3 or 4. Don't wait until your hunger gets down to 1 or 2. Getting too hungry can lead to overeating. When you sit down …
Health topics
… needs. Your blood sugar can drop quickly if you don't eat enough food or you skip meals. It can also happen if you … before you can tell how it is affecting your blood sugar. Getting worse? Symptoms are getting worse Staying the same (not worse or better)? …
Health topics
… or you have any concerns (for example, if symptoms are not getting better as you would expect). You may need care … focus on the pain. Moderate pain (5 to 7) : The pain is bad enough to disrupt your normal activities and your sleep, but … or you have any concerns (for example, if symptoms are not getting better as you would expect). You may need care …
Health topics
… Shock . This can occur if the circulatory system can't get enough blood to the vital organs. Coughing, wheezing, … on soles of feet, or on palms of hands Is the swelling getting worse (over hours or days)? Yes Swelling is getting worse No Swelling is getting worse Did you get an …
Health topics
… need time to adjust to longer limbs and bigger bodies. Getting regular moderate exercise can improve coordination. … make it hard to get up for school. To help your child get enough rest, discourage phone and computer use and … or sadness, such as keeping a journal, volunteering, and getting adequate rest and exercise. If your child shows …
Health topics
… the risk of foreign objects or substances or body fluids getting in the eyes. Check Your Symptoms Do you have a … around eye No Severe swelling around eye Is the swelling getting worse? Yes Swelling around eye is getting worse No … focus on the pain. Moderate pain (5 to 7) : The pain is bad enough to disrupt your normal activities and your sleep, but …
Health topics
… are often used too. You can give a full bath in bed without getting the bed sheets wet. How often a person bathes can … the temperature if you can. Make sure that the bed is high enough so that you don't hurt your back. If it is low, it is … are often used too. You can give a full bath in bed without getting the bed sheets wet. How often a person bathes can …
Health topics
… amputation No Deep cut or amputation Have you had trouble getting an erection since the injury? Yes Impotence after … 4: Mild pain Mild pain Has the pain: Gotten worse? Pain is getting worse Stayed about the same (not better or worse)? … focus on the pain. Moderate pain (5 to 7) : The pain is bad enough to disrupt your normal activities and your sleep, but …