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2652 results found
Health topics
… Overview Overview The COVID-19 vaccine can help you avoid getting COVID-19. The number of doses you need depends on … had COVID-19, you may still be able to catch it again. Getting the vaccine gives you extra protection. Why should you get the vaccine? Getting vaccinated will help protect you from COVID-19. It …
Health topics
… benefits. Watch for any signs that your hypothyroidism is getting worse. Doctors often want people to have yearly … Usually, thyroid hormone medicine: Reduces or gets rid of symptoms of hypothyroidism. Symptoms often improve … your doctor to see if you have the right dose of medicine. Getting too much or too little thyroid hormone can cause …
Health topics
… tissues of your leg. Swelling may also appear as a swollen ridge along a blood vessel that you can feel. Pain in your … of treatment for DVT are: To prevent the blood clot from getting larger. To prevent the blood clot from travelling to … clots from forming. They also prevent existing clots from getting larger. They don't get rid of existing clots. …
Health topics
… the virus, your baby can be given shots to help prevent getting the virus. You can't get hepatitis B from casual … with someone who has a chronic hepatitis B infection. Getting body piercings or tattoos using needles that weren't … or other fabrics, clean them well. Be sure to carefully get rid of sanitary napkins and tampons or other disposable …
Health topics
… into the uterus greatly reduces your chances of getting pregnant, with or without IVF. It's hard to know if treatment for a tubal problem will work. Your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy depend on … eggs. It can help you get pregnant. Your chance of getting pregnant depends in part on your age and whether you …
Health topics
… you can rely on the bus and when you might need other help getting around. Think about using taxis. It may sound … to drive, especially if you are having car crashes, getting lost, or having other problems while driving. You … night at all anymore. Now Amy's afraid to let my grandkids ride with me. That was hard to hear. But I think it's time …
Health topics
… to treating tonsillitis. If it seems that your child is getting fewer throat infections over time, he or she won't … surgery. If your child keeps having infections that are getting in the way of daily life, then you and your doctor … fewer throat infections. In some cases when a child keeps getting strep throat infections, especially if the …
Health topics
… family history of ovarian cancer have a higher chance of getting it themselves. (Family history means having … the ovaries removed greatly lowers a woman's chances of getting ovarian cancer. The fallopian tubes are removed at … more than one relative with this cancer, your chances of getting it are higher. You may want to talk to a genetic …
Health topics
… pain or a feeling of pressure in the lower belly. Trouble getting pregnant. Problems during pregnancy, such as preterm … surgery to take out large fibroids. You're not planning on getting pregnant soon. Compare your options Compare Compare … of birth control, such as condoms, if you want to keep from getting pregnant. Your symptoms may get better or go away, …
Health topics
… usually appear 1 to 4 days after infection. The importance getting of a flu shot during COVID It's important to get … at once. And having both may make you more sick than getting just one. Getting both vaccines can prevent you and others from …