3132 results found
Health topics
… Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview During trabeculectomy—sometimes also called filtration … of the eye, joins the iris, the coloured part of the eye. During office visits after surgery, the doctor looks at the … is placed over the eye. A dressing is worn over the eye during the first night after surgery. You'll wear the eye …
Health topics
… lenses, there will be a 2- to 4-week break-in period during which you wear the lenses for increasingly longer … You have to be willing to tolerate minor discomfort during the break-in period and to learn and use proper … lenses, there will be a 2- to 4-week break-in period during which you wear the lenses for increasingly longer …
Health topics
… diagnosis. Try to observe and record what happens before, during, and after the breath-holding spell. Keep the … occur just before your child has a breath-holding spell? During a spell, does your child's skin colour appear to … become more blue-red or more pale? How does your child act during a spell? Do your child's muscles twitch? How long do …
Health topics
… or mucus buildup. Wheezing is often present in asthma . During an asthma attack , the bronchial tubes become … worse, the person may also wheeze when breathing in. During a severe asthma episode, wheezing may go away because … has asthma. Children younger than 5 often develop wheezing during a respiratory infection. Children with a family …
Health topics
… back, the skin will stay red for several weeks. If you are getting treatment around your mouth, you may get an … may last up to 6 months. Some people may turn red or flush during stress or exertion more easily than they used to. … back, the skin will stay red for several weeks. If you are getting treatment around your mouth, you may get an …
Health topics
… function. If a woman's uterus and ovaries are removed during surgery, she will not be able to get pregnant. And … and seminal vesicles are removed, he may have problems getting erections. And he will not be able to make a woman … and seminal vesicles are removed, he may have problems getting erections. And he will not be able to make a woman …
Health topics
… until that time, women regularly lose blood and iron during their monthly periods. What Is Hemochromatosis … until that time, women regularly lose blood and iron during their monthly periods. What Is Hemochromatosis …
Health topics
… Write down any negative or unhelpful thoughts you had during the day. If you think you might not remember them at … Write down any negative or unhelpful thoughts you had during the day. If you think you might not remember them at …
Health topics
… amounts of food after the evening meal, often waking up during the night to eat. People with this condition may … People with night eating syndrome do remember eating during the night. They usually do not feel hungry in the … disorder usually do not have episodes of binge eating during the night (10 p.m. to 6 a.m.). But if they do, they …
Health topics
… evidence shows that regular physical activity before, during and/or following cancer treatment decreases the …