1240 results found
Health topics
… only way to know for sure which illness you have is to be tested. If you have questions about COVID-19 testing, ask your doctor or your provincial health … it makes sense to act as if you have COVID-19 until your test results come back. This means staying home and limiting …
Health topics
… Sting Allergies? Drug Allergies Health Topics Medical Tests Make a Wise Decision Take Action Open/close … Care (Telemedicine) Open/close information section Medical Tests Allergy Tests Open/close information section Make a Wise Decision …
Health topics
… history, an examination of the throat, and a rapid strep test or throat culture to test for strep bacteria. One or both of these tests are needed to confirm infection with strep bacteria. …
Health topics
… Increases Your Risk When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Prevention What Happens Living With … thinks that you have coronary artery disease, you may have tests to check how well your heart is working. These tests include an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG), a chest …
Health topics
… will do an examination and ask about your health history. Tests you may need include: A complete blood count (CBC). A gene test to see if you have the genes that cause thalassemia. An iron level test. A blood test that measures the amounts of different …
Health topics
… your problem at home. Questions to ask about medicines, tests, and treatments What is the name of the medicine, test, or treatment? Why is it needed? What are the risks? … with other medicines I am taking? How do I prepare for each test or treatment? Questions to ask at the end of your visit …
Health topics
… The doctor will ask about your family's health. You'll have tests to find what is causing your symptoms. An … whether you have angina or have had a heart attack. This test measures the electrical signals that control your heart's rhythm. A blood test will look for a rise in cardiac proteins. The heart …
Health topics
… Symptoms What Happens When To Call Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Medicines Caring for … How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a number of tests to make sure your symptoms are caused by Alzheimer's … another condition. You may have to do some simple memory tests and tests that show how well you can do daily tasks. …
Health topics
… and nail beds. How is it diagnosed? There is no single test to diagnose chronic lung disease. A doctor may first … of weeks since the start of pregnancy. A doctor may order tests to rule out other causes of breathing trouble or to … lung disease. For example, your baby might have: Blood tests, including a blood gas test, to see how well the lungs …
Health topics
… like hearing loss or nausea. Your doctor may also do tests to confirm a diagnosis of Ménière's. These tests may include: Hearing tests, including one to find out if the nerve from the inner …