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Health topics
… both of the renal arteries. These vessels supply blood to your kidneys. They also help the body control blood … it may cause high blood pressure. Or it may affect how well your kidneys work. Then you may have symptoms of kidney … and pneumonia. If you have chronic kidney disease, follow a diet that's easy on your kidneys. A dietitian can help you …
Health topics
… (sometimes called premature ovarian failure) occurs when your ovaries-which store and release eggs-stop working … ovarian insufficiency are similar to those of menopause. Your menstrual periods may become irregular—you have a … (osteoporosis) and heart disease. A balanced and low-fat diet, regular exercise, and not smoking can help protect …
Health topics
… Information Overview Travel can make it hard to keep your blood sugar within your target range because of changes … you are flying: Check with your doctor, if needed, about changing your medicine dose and timing if you will travel … you are flying: Check with your doctor, if needed, about changing your medicine dose and timing if you will travel …
Health topics
… near vision. As you approach middle age, the lenses in your eyes begin to thicken and lose their flexibility. This makes it harder for your eyes to focus on objects at varying distances. … how far away an object is, a muscle surrounding the lens in your eye will either expand or contract. With presbyopia, …
Health topics
… Information Getting Started It's easy to get off track with your plans for healthy eating. But you can think of healthy … a work in progress. You'll get better each time you refocus your plan. To get back on track, try: Focusing on your reason. What's your most important reason for wanting …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview When you test your blood sugar, you learn your blood sugar level at that … asleep. What are the drawbacks? CGM technology is always changing and getting better. Here are some things to know … asleep. What are the drawbacks? CGM technology is always changing and getting better. Here are some things to know …
Health topics
… of asthma can vary, and asthma often requires changes in your treatment to control it. To ensure that you are getting … monitor and evaluate the disease and communicate with your doctor. Symptoms Know the symptoms of poorly controlled … plan) will give you guidelines for increasing medicine if your or your child's asthma starts to get out of control. …
Health topics
… It may be caused by a medical problem, so be sure to see your doctor if you are losing weight without trying. If you … loss. How is it treated? If another problem is causing your weight loss, your doctor will treat that problem. Your … weight. Your doctor may suggest that you see a registered dietitian, who can help you develop a meal plan that fits …
Health topics
… set of physical or mood-related symptoms that occur before your menstrual period each month. Symptoms begin about 1 to 2 weeks before your period starts and go away in the first few days of your period. It is common to have tender breasts, bloating, …
Health topics
… or when you get up in the morning. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your past health and your … need to make some long-term changes to your activities. Try changing what activities you do or how you do them. For … way you use a tool is the problem, try switching hands or changing your grip. If exercise caused the problem, take …