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3985 results found
Health topics
… of work you do, you should be able to go back to work or your normal routine in 2 to 3 weeks. The incisions leave … help drain blood and fluid for the first couple of days. If your doctor closed your incisions with removable stitches, the stitches will be …
Health topics
… stains may become more obvious when the body's hormones are changing, such as during puberty or pregnancy. Laser therapy … of port-wine stains. If a port-wine stain makes you or your child feel shy or self-conscious, ask your doctor about … stains may become more obvious when the body's hormones are changing, such as during puberty or pregnancy. Laser therapy …
Health topics
… of exercise and activity may be best for arthritis. Talk to your doctor or physiotherapist about which exercises may be … You may need to change or modify activities based on your symptoms. Aerobic activity. It makes your heart and lungs stronger and builds your endurance. …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Talk to your doctor about what day to start using the patch. Doctors … that the first patch be placed on the first day of your next menstrual period. If the patch is started on any … birth control pills. Apply the patch. It can be applied to your lower belly, your buttocks, or your upper body, but not …
Health topics
… hormone slows things down. They: Control the rate at which your body burns calories (your metabolism). This affects whether you gain or lose weight. Can slow down or speed up your heartbeat. Can raise or lower your body temperature. …
Health topics
… active and monitoring the intensity and progress of your activities. Before you start Physical activity is safe … planning form   For more resources on taking steps toward changing your level of physical activity, visit  Helping you make it …
Health topics
… surfaces. Avoid prolonged kneeling. Strengthen and stretch your leg muscles. Pay special attention to your front and … running downhill unless you are fully conditioned. Try changing what activities you do or how you do them. For … running downhill unless you are fully conditioned. Try changing what activities you do or how you do them. For …
Health topics
… begins. You may or may not notice a change in the shape of your abdomen after dropping. You may notice that your breathing becomes easier and heartburn occurs less … after dropping occurs. But the increased pressure on your bladder after dropping occurs may make you have the …
Health topics
… shoulder pain that does not change when you move your neck, shoulder, or arm or that occurs with symptoms elsewhere in your body (such as in your abdomen or chest) may be referred shoulder pain. …
Health topics
… sun during these hours, make sure to take care to protect yourself and your family. Physical sunscreens, such as zinc oxide, are … that covers the back of the neck, and clothing to protect your child's skin. Use broad-spectrum sunscreen and lip balm …