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Health topics
… Overview Overview It is normal for your child to be moody or somewhat grouchy as they get older. But if your child is sad or grouchy for a long time or seems to … is not a normal part of growing up. Deciding whether your child's behaviour is normal or is a symptom of …
Health topics
… the procedure. The doctor will start by numbing (freezing) your gums with a local anesthetic . The doctor may use a … the gum tissue, the doctor may put a temporary putty over your gum line. This will protect your gums while they heal. You can eat soft foods and drink …
Health topics
… start shortly after being sent home. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and past health. They will do a physical examination and listen to your lungs. If your doctor thinks that you have this …
Health topics
… sores, or changes in skin colour. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can diagnose venous insufficiency by examining your legs and by using a type of ultrasound test (duplex Doppler) to find out how well blood is flowing in your legs. How is venous insufficiency treated? Your doctor …
Health topics
… you don't need to stay in the hospital. Before surgery, your eye is numbed with local anesthesia . Then the eye … ) injects a gas bubble into the middle of the eye. Your head is positioned so that the bubble floats to the … is keeping the gas bubble in the right place. You must keep your head in a certain position for most of the day and …
Health topics
… Between 12 and 24 months of age, changes in the brain help your toddler learn and understand language. Most toddlers … learn to talk varies widely. But in general, you can expect your child to: Say a few words with one or two syllables, … be able to understand two-step commands, such as "Bring me your shoes, and sit down by me." Language development …
Health topics
… when it's given as shots. This means the medicine stays in your body longer than if you take a pill. Why they're given … shots because you relapsed while on pills. In a relapse, your symptoms return. Shots may help prevent relapse because … amount of medicine in the body. How they're given You go to your doctor's office to get a shot. It's usually given in …
Health topics
… This is much brighter than a lamp or other light fixture in your home. Light therapy is easy and safe. It has few side … want to try dawn simulation. When you begin light therapy, your first response will show you whether you need to adjust … may be tired during the first week because of changes in your sleep-wake patterns, but this will usually go away …
Health topics
… may use a thin, lighted tool ( endoscope ) to look at your nasal passages and to see the shape of your septum. In some cases, the endoscope may be used during … surgery, you may have a nasal splint or pack placed in your nostrils to stop bleeding and keep the septum straight …
Health topics
… Most provincial health units can recommend a program in your area. Quit-tobacco programs are also called tobacco … than any other method. There are no "magic bullets." Change your quit date to match the program date. In many … offered 2 or 3 times a year. Keep this in mind as you plan your timeline for quitting. In-person programs Good …