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Health topics
… Overview Preventing a relapse When you have schizophrenia, your symptoms can sometimes come back. This is called a … things you can do to help prevent a relapse. Be active in your own recovery. Work with your doctor and take care of yourself. Take your medicine, …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are … Some of the medicines for bone loss may cause problems with your esophagus. In rare cases, these medicines may cause jaw …
Health topics
… time, one of the best ways you can help them is by offering your support and showing you care. Here's how. Be present for them. Make plans to hang out, or invite your friend to go do something. Even if your friend says no, making the offer shows them you care. …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are … If you're having problems with side effects, talk to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to lower your dose or …
Health topics
… Health Connect Registry Last updated July 5, 2024 Keeping your information up to date will help us make the best match … and patient relationship is an important step in you and your family’s healthful living. On this page: Register to … for or transfer you to a registered nurse, registered dietitian, licensed pharmacist or qualified exercise …
Health topics
… are small or not important. This type of worry disrupts your life most days. Everyone gets worried or anxious at … symptoms. Some medicines can cause worry and stress or make your stress worse, such as medicines with amphetamines … cocaine can also cause these symptoms. Be sure to talk with your doctor about any medicines you are taking. What are the …
Health topics
… is inserted under the skin (subdermal) on the inside of your arm. The implant releases the hormone progestin to … In some cases it can be used longer. footnote 1 Talk to your doctor about how long you can use it. Once it is put … to prevent pregnancy. The implant can only be inserted by your doctor or another trained health professional. It only …
Health topics
… the swollen veins. After surgery, the pain and itching from your hemorrhoids should go away. After this surgery, you … probably go home the same day. You will have some pain in your anal area. You may also have light bleeding from your anus. These symptoms may last for 1 to 2 months. Your
Health topics
… Gender dysphoria is a feeling of emotional distress because your inner sense of your gender ( gender identity ) doesn't … "ze/zir"). Then use those pronouns. If the person is changing their name, always use the new name when you talk … "ze/zir"). Then use those pronouns. If the person is changing their name, always use the new name when you talk …
Health topics
… or see brief flashes of light when the laser is applied to your eye. What To Expect Laser photocoagulation is usually … after the procedure. Eyedrops are used to widen (dilate) your pupils before the procedure. And your eyes will remain dilated for several hours afterward. …