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Health topics
… it means that the baby is having trouble breathing. If your baby was born early, the lungs may not be not strong … might be caused by an infection, such as pneumonia. Or your baby may just need a little extra time getting used to … the uterus. The doctor and nurses will do tests and watch your baby closely to find the cause of the problem. Your
Health topics
… to do hand expression in the first three to four days after your baby is born is important. Hand expression of colostrum … for a few minutes after feeding gives extra stimulation to your breasts. Although this extra stimulation is not … and you can use a few drops of colostrum to encourage your baby to feed. This is helpful if your baby is not …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Taking good care of your feet is an important part of the daily routine when you … this list of steps for proper foot-washing and foot care in your bathroom. Use warm (not hot) water. Check the water temperature with your wrists, not your feet. Wash all areas of your feet. Pay …
Health topics
… Visit On this page: Overview Overview Your first prenatal visit will probably be the longest visit you'll have. Your doctor or midwife will take your medical history and do a complete physical examination. …
Health topics
… But you can take steps to avoid power struggles, give your child a sense of control, and make taking medicines a bit easier for everyone. Avoid power struggles. If your child refuses a medicine, take a moment to pause. Stay calm, take a deep breath, and plan your next steps. Show your child that you're both on the …
Health topics
… care. During routine checkups visits the doctor will check your child's dental health. A visit to a dentist is recommended within 6 months of when your child's first tooth comes in but no later than your child's first birthday. footnote 1 Some parents may …
Health topics
… Record On this page: Overview Overview Your doctor may ask you to keep a record of your child's temper tantrums before you bring your child in for a physical examination. It's a good idea …
Health topics
… ticks and deer that carry ticks are most commonly found in your community. Avoid those areas if possible. Cover as much of your body as possible when working or playing in grassy or … shirt, and long pants with the legs tucked into your socks. Keep in mind that it is easier to spot ticks on …
Health topics
… because it can help you maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle. Your goals may include: Lowering your risk of future heart problems. Continuing to exercise … checks your progress. Education and support from nurses, dietitians, physiotherapists, and doctors can help. In group …
Health topics
… Overview Heart failure means that your heart muscle doesn't pump as much blood as your body needs. Because your heart can't pump well, your heart and your body try to …