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… mild to severe. The cramping is your uterus contracting, helping the endometrium shed. In most cases, any … mild to severe. The cramping is your uterus contracting, helping the endometrium shed. In most cases, any …
Health topics
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… and I cut back on how much alcohol I drink. It seems to be helping. Marvin, age 67 When I began to have a problem … and I cut back on how much alcohol I drink. It seems to be helping." — Marvin, age 67 "When I began to have a problem … and I cut back on how much alcohol I drink. It seems to be helping. Marvin, age 67 When I began to have a problem …
Health topics
Health topics
… Smoking Quitting Smoking: Getting Support Quitting Smoking: Helping Someone Quit Interactive Tool: How Does Smoking … Gain Quitting Smoking: Getting Support Quitting Smoking: Helping Someone Quit Quitting Smoking: Preventing Slips or … Smoking Quitting Smoking: Getting Support Quitting Smoking: Helping Someone Quit Interactive Tool: How Does Smoking …
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