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Health topics
… or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Colds and allergies may produce mucus that drains down the back of the … a productive cough and post-nasal drainage but do not have other symptoms. A productive cough in a person who smokes is … 10 days. It occurs with other symptoms. These may include: Fever and chills. Shortness of breath. Chest pain. Night …
Health topics
… or you may not be burping the baby enough during feedings. Fever will sometimes cause a baby to spit up. Milk (lactose) intolerance and food allergies also can cause increased spitting up. Other signs of these problems include loose and watery …
Health topics
… into your esophagus. This can irritate the esophagus. Other causes include: A hiatal hernia . Medicines that … that make it hard to swallow, such as scleroderma . Allergies, often food allergies, especially to seafood, … A cough. Sometimes it also causes: Nausea or vomiting. Fever. Belly pain. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask …
Health topics
… person." "I encourage people to find out what treatments others have tried and what things have worked for them," she says. "I'm a believer in other people's ideas. Obviously, what works for one person may not work for another, but unless you try it, you'll never know if it'll …
Health topics
… Ongoing Concerns Living With COPD Medicines Surgery Other Treatment Overview What … Have increased swelling in your legs or belly. Have a high fever. Develop flu-like symptoms. If your symptoms (cough, … have not seen a doctor recently. You have a cold and: Your fever lasts longer than 2 to 3 days. Breathlessness occurs …
Health topics
… may quickly get hyperthermia. High temperature caused by a fever is different from a high body temperature caused by a heat-related illness. A fever is the body's normal reaction to infection and other conditions, both minor and serious. Heat-related …
Health topics
… frozen ice treats, and some medicines (such as syrups for fevers and colds). Sometimes sorbitol and fructose are added … frozen ice treats, and some medicines (such as syrups for fevers and colds). Sometimes sorbitol and fructose are added …
Health topics
… and Tests Treatment Overview Prevention Self-Care Medicines Other Treatment Condition Overview What … or complaining when urinating. Back pain. Belly pain. Fever. Your child age 4 or older is wetting the bed and is … or complaining when urinating. Back pain. Belly pain. Fever. Your child age 4 or older is wetting the bed and is …
Health topics
… deform joints. It makes it hard to open jars, write, and do other daily tasks. Sometimes it can also cause bumps to form … include: Fatigue. A loss of appetite. Weight loss. Mild fever. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose RA, your doctor … are usually early symptoms. Weight loss and a low-grade fever can also occur. Joint symptoms include: Pain, …
Health topics
… Overview A COVID-19 viral test can help keep you and others safe by letting you know if you have the virus. Even … Your symptoms may feel like a cold, influenza (flu), allergies, or an upset stomach. Even if these symptoms are … you to be tested. You want to make it safer to be around other people. For example, you may need a test before ending …