3281 results found
Health topics
… type of injury, and how bad it is. The child's age, general health, and activity level. Check Your Symptoms Has your … the problem may be causing a fever? Some bone and joint problems can cause a fever. Yes Possible fever No Possible … and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, …
Health topics
… of the skin ( molluscum contagiosum ) that causes small pearly or flesh-coloured bumps. Measles , rubella , … cleft cysts are found in the neck. They don't usually cause problems unless they get infected. These cysts are most … and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, …
Health topics
… Seeking calmness. Asking for blessings, such as good health. Asking for divine protection from harm. Looking for strength to cope with problems in life, including illness. Seeking wisdom when … fully understood how prayer may affect physical or mental health. But you may still find that prayer has a positive …
Health topics
… Overview Recovery from substance use disorder means finding a way to stay substance-free while changing your … for a long time and helps you stay substance-free. Have a healthy lifestyle. Exercise and be active. This is good for your health, and it also can help reduce stress. Get enough sleep …
Health topics
… parents or caregivers who smoke. Emotional or psychological problems. A dry, non-productive "psychogenic cough" is seen … problems are getting better Does your child have a chronic health problem that affects his or her breathing, such as … or longer Fever for 1 week or more Does your child have a health problem or take medicine that weakens his or her …
Health topics
… alcohol and medicines. Doing any of these can cause serious health problems and problems with money and the law. It also can … Feeling anxious a lot of the time. Having memory problems. Finding it hard to focus or make decisions. Losing interest …
Health topics
… muscle cells, the symptoms can include: Weakness. Cramps. Problems with movement. Ear or eye cells In the cells of the … tests. Your doctor will ask questions about you and your health. You will be asked about your family's health. This is to find out if anyone else in your family …
Health topics
… Inactivated Influenza (Flu) Vaccine (#12d) Image Yearly for children 6 months of age and older (The live … Note: The vaccine schedules can change. Speak with your health care provider, or call 8-1-1 if you have questions. Immunization tables developed and reviewed by HealthLink BC , BC Ministry of Health , and BC Centre for …
Health topics
… bring grief, guilt and despair. You may feel empty and have problems being around pregnant women and mothers with … a while. Knowing where to turn for help is important. Your healthcare provider can give you information, guide you … and a sore perineum. After you leave the hospital, your healthcare provider, the public health nurse, local crisis …
Health topics
… issues. It can also lead to muscle weakness and balance problems. Find out how healthy eating and physical activity can help you manage MS. MS and healthy eating Learn about your nutrient needs and how to …