3281 results found
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… well to help prevent infection. A fish hook can cause other problems if it enters the eye, muscles, tendons, ligaments, … and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, … the immune system like steroids or chemotherapy, or natural health products can cause symptoms or make them worse. …
Health topics
… bowel movements. That's because they've been taught that a healthy person has a bowel movement every day. But this … movements each week. And you may have some of the following problems: Straining Feeling that you don't completely empty … Pregnancy. Constipation is sometimes a sign of another health problem, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism , or …
Health topics
… in the blood can also lead to kidney stones and other health problems. What causes it? Hyperparathyroidism often is … it runs in families. It can also be caused by certain health conditions or medicines. For example, it can be …
Health topics
… 3 or 4 times a day. footnote 1 , footnote 3 Talk to your health professional before you take vitamin B6 for morning … February 9, 2023. Festin M (2014). Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. BMJ Clinical Evidence . … 18, 2018. Current as of: February 16, 2023 Author: Healthwise Staff Medical Review: Sarah Marshall MD - Family …
Health topics
… is called an ectopic pregnancy or extrauterine pregnancy. Nearly all ectopic pregnancies develop in a fallopian tube. … prenatal vitamins. Avoid direct sunlight. It can cause skin problems while methotrexate is in your body. Avoid foods … doctor removes a part of the fallopian tube. The remaining healthy fallopian tube may be reconnected. This surgery is …
Health topics
… which provides a way to estimate the effect of weight on health. This tool also gives you your child's percentile on … of Canada, Canadian Paediatric Society (2014). "A health professional's guide for using the WHO growth charts … they're concerned about their growth. This can cause problems. The child may eat less. Talk about your child's …
Health topics
… controlling her blood sugar, Gloria hasn't had any eye problems. But she gets an eye examination every year to … I'm 70 years old, and I've never felt better, stronger, healthier, or happier in my whole life." There are days when … all the time. Everybody slips up sometimes," she says. Finding support and swapping recipes Gloria meets once a …
Health topics
… for too long, it can cause symptoms and can lead to serious problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, … in sex drive. Cushing's syndrome can also lead to other health problems, such as high blood pressure , type 2 … or medicines. How can you care for yourself? To avoid health problems from Cushing's syndrome, there are many …
Health topics
… such as bipolar disorder or depression, are medical problems that affect how you feel. What causes it? Experts … that aren't real. How is it diagnosed? A doctor or mental health professional usually can tell if you have the … long they last. How is schizoaffective disorder treated? Finding out that you have schizoaffective disorder can be …
Health topics
… Taking antiretroviral medicines for HIV can help you stay healthy and live about as long as someone without HIV. Often … well, try not to miss any doses. Missing doses can lead to problems like drug resistance and higher viral loads. The … stomach. Try not to miss any doses. This will help you stay healthy. It may help to use a pillbox with compartments for …