3991 results found
Health topics
… surgery ( mastectomy ), you may feel some pain going down your arm. Your shoulder and arm may be stiff and hard to move. You may … basic exercises described here will help you start moving your arm. But be careful not to overdo it. For example, …
Health topics
… and mothers with babies. These feelings are normal. If your baby is stillborn, or dies near birth, you will have the opportunity to see and hold your baby. If you feel comfortable, take pictures of the baby alone or cuddled with you and your partner. Talk with your baby and say goodbye. Take your …
Health topics
… that may be used to hold the edges of a small cut together. Your doctor may apply a skin adhesive instead of stitching … keep it clean and dry. Follow your doctor's instruction on changing the bandage. Do not put ointments, including … keep it clean and dry. Follow your doctor's instruction on changing the bandage. Do not put ointments, including …
Health topics
… a need to suck. But it’s best not to use one every time your child seems upset. Before you offer a soother, try to find out if your toddler wants something or is hungry, bored or tired. A … Soother use can contribute to ear infections. If your toddler experiences frequent ear infections, limit the …
Health topics
… Overview Abnormal vaginal discharge Changing hormone levels during pregnancy can affect the … symptoms, such as vaginal discharge or itching, talk with your doctor about your symptoms before using home treatment … develop our content . … Overview Abnormal vaginal discharge Changing hormone levels during pregnancy can affect the …
Health topics
… deal with. The symptoms are often long-lasting and may make your loved one appear to be concerned only about himself or herself. Encouraging social skills can help you and your loved one deal with these symptoms. Here are some … it may be very hard, don't get angry or upset. Support your loved one instead. Keep the focus on recovery. …
Health topics
… syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve in your wrist. This nerve runs through a small space in your … likely recommend non-surgical treatment. This may include: Changing or avoiding activities that may be causing … likely recommend non-surgical treatment. This may include: Changing or avoiding activities that may be causing …
Health topics
… real and what isn't real. You talk about suicide or hurting yourself or others. You have severe medicine side effects, … . You need special tests. You need to change or adjust your medicines. You have problems with drugs or alcohol. You … . Doctors will try to find the best way to get you back to your family and community as soon as possible. For the …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Your newborn starts to communicate with you right away. … their arms and legs. They gaze toward a familiar voice. Your baby's face may brighten as they watch your face and movements. When they break their gaze, it …
Health topics
… might try these other ways to relieve stress. Ways to relax your mind Mindfulness-based stress reduction can calm your mind and body to help you cope with illness, pain, and stress. Music therapy can relax your body, improve your mood, and change the pace of your …