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Health topics
… caution against use in the genital area or caution use for children. Zinc oxide ointment is soothing to irritated skin. … times a day until the itch is gone. Do not use the cream on children younger than age 2 unless your doctor tells you to. … Be safe with medicines. Groin Problems and Injuries Male Genital Problems and Injuries …
Health topics
… the opening between the nail and nail bed. If you're healthy, the infection probably won't cause serious problems. What causes it? Fungal nail infections can be … diabetes or a weak immune system, your doctor may suggest treating the infection, even if it doesn't bother you. How can …
Health topics
… sudden sensation of intense body heat, often with profuse sweating and reddening of the head, neck, and chest. These … night than during the day and are a common cause of sleep problems for perimenopausal and post-menopausal women. While … sudden sensation of intense body heat, often with profuse sweating and reddening of the head, neck, and chest. These …
Health topics
… technology (ART) used to treat certain infertility problems, such as sperm-related infertility. ICSI is used to … chance of getting pregnant using your own eggs and having a healthy pregnancy. But this increases your risk of multiple … chance of getting pregnant using your own eggs and having a healthy pregnancy. But this increases your risk of multiple …
Health topics
… work items, or yard tools or when operating machinery. Children often are cut during play and sports activities or … A cut on an eyelid or lip that doesn't heal well may cause problems with function or leave a noticeable scar. Cuts that … more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, …
Health topics
… brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. It can cause problems with muscle control and strength, vision, balance, … and working with MS. Do what you can to stay well. Eat a healthy diet, get plenty of rest, and try to reduce stress. … 48 out of 100 28 out of 100 Flushing, chest tightness, sweating, heart palpitations, anxiety, and shortness of breath …
Health topics
… carry factor concentrate with you. Adults and parents of children who have hemophilia can learn to inject replacement clotting factors. Children may also be taught to infuse themselves with … bleeding episodes. You might also have a lower risk of problems linked to bleeding. These problems include …
Health topics
… damage and can make the baby develop more slowly than other children. How is it diagnosed? You or your doctor may notice … It may help to see some before-and-after pictures of other children who have had the same type of surgery so that you … need to know how to care for your baby's incision and what problems to watch for. Problems after surgery aren't common. …
Health topics
… or diseased part of the tube is removed. Then the two healthy ends of the tube are joined. This procedure can be … Salpingectomy is preferred over salpingostomy for treating a hydrosalpinx before IVF. Salpingostomy is also done … to the ovary is partially blocked or has scar tissue. These problems can prevent normal egg pickup. This procedure …
Health topics
… of tissue in the drainage angle of the eye is removed, creating an opening. The opening is partially covered with a … Most people don't have to be admitted to the hospital. But children who have the surgery may stay in the hospital … several weeks after surgery. After surgery, people who have problems with constipation may need to take laxatives to …