3447 results found
Health topics
… (rehab) program. Amount of growth remaining. Young children who still have a lot of bone growth remaining may … nearby growth areas in the bones. Size of the bones. Older children have larger bones, which are easier to fit with … surgical team of the potential for cervical (neck) spine problems. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis …
Health topics
… pregnancy. Lupus increases the risk of fetal and pregnancy problems. This includes premature birth and stillbirth. This … treatment may improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy. Complications of … treatment may improve your chances of having a healthy pregnancy. Complications of …
Health topics
… the same spot for each treatment. This helps protect nearby healthy tissue from the radiation. Internal radiation … in the treated area may look and feel sunburned. Urinary problems. These may include pain when you urinate, urinating … the same spot for each treatment. This helps protect nearby healthy tissue from the radiation. Internal radiation …
Health topics
… pain is the most common type of breast pain. It may be caused by the normal monthly changes in hormones. This pain … or a cyst . If the cause of non-cyclic pain can be found, treating the cause may relieve the pain. Breast pain can get … to buy a new bra every 6 months. Breast Problems Fibrocystic Breasts Current as of: August …
Health topics
… Ringworm is an infection on your skin, hair, or nails. It's caused by a fungus . The medical term for fungal infections … scalp occurs all over the world and is most common in young children. Ringworm of the beard is not common. What causes … for several months on people, animals, and personal items. Children are more likely to get ringworm than adults. When …
Health topics
… and worthless. They may see suicide as a way to solve their problems or end their pain. Other symptoms of depression, … activities that the person enjoyed in the past. Sleeping or eating more or less than usual. Having trouble thinking and … activities. Seeming angry, grumpy, anxious, or depressed. Eating or sleeping less or more than usual. Doing risky …
Health topics
… affected This condition is more common in infants and young children who have sickle cell disease. It may follow a respiratory infection. In older children and adults, the spleen often doesn't work because … affected This condition is more common in infants and young children who have sickle cell disease. It may follow a …
Health topics
… a way to be caring and kind. Understanding consent can help children have a better sense of physical boundaries. It can … another person's boundaries is an important part of forming healthy relationships all through life. Current as … another person's boundaries is an important part of forming healthy relationships all through life. Current as …
Health topics
… disorder (DMDD) is a new type of mood disorder in children and teens. Kids with DMDD feel irritable or angry … disorders, such as oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). Children and teens with DMDD have: Intense verbal or … peers. In kids with DMDD, these temper outbursts and mood problems last for at least a year. Treatment There are no …
Health topics
… Your age and overall health, to make sure that you are healthy enough for a surgery. If you are able and willing to … or within 30 days. footnote 3 These complications include problems with the heart, kidneys, or lungs. Complications … Your age and overall health, to make sure that you are healthy enough for a surgery. If you are able and willing to …