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2092 results found
Health topics
… in lots of fun physical activity keeps them active and healthy. It’s easy when you help them find activities that … have bursts of activity for a few minutes or less. This is healthy, and your child will be more likely to keep doing it … feeling happy and well keeping you and your family at a healthy body weight giving your children opportunities to …
Health topics
… contact sports. Sports can cause injuries such as "cauliflower" ear from wrestling. Loud noises or explosions. They … 1 week or more Do you have shaking chills or very heavy sweating? Shaking chills are a severe, intense form of shivering. Heavy sweating means that sweat is pouring off you or soaking …
Health topics
… and bacteria that can contaminate certain types of seafood. Eating the seafood may result in foodborne illness . The … eaten. Laboratory testing is typically not needed. Treating poisoning There are no specific treatments for marine … drinks should not be used to rehydrate. When you feel like eating again, start with small amounts of food. This will …
Health topics
… or when it is prepared. You may have become ill after eating meat or eggs that weren't cooked enough or by eating other unsafe foods or drinking unsafe water. You will … minerals, may help replace electrolytes. When you feel like eating, start with mild foods, such as dry toast, yogurt, …
Health topics
… site, the stage and grade of the cancer, and the amount of healthy tissue that is affected during treatment. Damage to … ink marks that are used for your radiation. Avoid putting heating pads or cold packs or anything that is hot or cold on … head or neck. Another example is urinary problems if the lower belly is radiated. Most of these problems will go away …
Health topics
… and other treatments to help you breathe easier and stay as healthy and strong as you can. The only treatment available … able to find any AAT in your blood. If your AAT level is lower than normal, the blood sample can be tested to look … and other treatments to help you breathe easier and stay as healthy and strong as you can. The only treatment available …
Health topics
… the toilet or changing diapers and before preparing or eating food. To avoid spreading hepatitis A if you have it: … the toilet or changing diapers and before preparing or eating food. To avoid spreading hepatitis A if you have it: …
Health topics
… your symptoms worse. A low-FODMAP diet is when you stop eating high-FODMAP foods for about two months. Then you … nutritious diet that is high in calories and protein. Try eating 3 meals plus 2 or 3 snacks a day. It may be easier to … your symptoms worse. A low-FODMAP diet is when you stop eating high-FODMAP foods for about two months. Then you …
Health topics
… If you are losing weight because you're exercising more or eating less, it is considered normal weight loss. What … solid they are. Anorexia Nervosa Binge Eating Disorder Bulimia Nervosa Weight Management … If you are losing weight because you're exercising more or eating less, it is considered normal weight loss. What …
Health topics
… disease, treatment can help control it and help you stay healthy. What causes asthma? Experts don't know exactly what … on treatment. How is it treated? There are two parts to treating asthma, which are outlined in your asthma action … Education and Prevention Program Expert Panel Report 3: Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma (NIH …