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2801 results found
Health topics
… how many 240 mL (8 fl oz) bottles or cups of fluid your healthy baby or child needs each day. Feeding amount by … how many 240 mL (8 fl oz) bottles or cups of fluid your healthy baby or child needs each day. Feeding amount by …
Health topics
… getting tired. Reduce the risk of injury. Help you keep a healthy body weight. Lead to healthier, stronger muscles and …
Health topics
… to learn the steps you need to take to keep yourself as healthy as possible during your hospital stay. Wash your … to learn the steps you need to take to keep yourself as healthy as possible during your hospital stay. Wash your …
Health topics
… such as a problem with a disc or bones in your back. A healthy back has three natural front-to-back curves that … such as a problem with a disc or bones in your back. A healthy back has three natural front-to-back curves that …
Health topics
… with stress can impact how stress affects you. Choosing healthy, positive ways to cope doesn't have to be a … with stress can impact how stress affects you. Choosing healthy, positive ways to cope doesn't have to be a …
Health topics
… Or sometimes medicine is put directly into the spine. Some people use other treatments along with medical treatments. … You have new symptoms, such as having a hard time walking, eating, or urinating. You notice an unusual rash. You have … makes it hard for you to do your daily activities, such as eating or sleeping. Treatment Overview There are many ways …
Health topics
… pain or pressure, or a strange feeling in the chest. Sweating. Shortness of breath. Nausea or vomiting. Pain, … pain that comes on or gets worse with exercise, stress, or eating a large meal and goes away with rest may also be a … or jaw pain. Other causes of chest discomfort or pain Most people fear that chest pain always means that something is …
Health topics
… Force on Preventive Health Care recommends the following guidelines. footnote 1 Ages 40 to 49: Regular mammograms are … having mammograms. I just turned 40, and I've always been healthy and active. Plus, I don't have any extra risk … . Accessed July 1, 2015. Pace LE, Keating NL (2014). A systematic assessment of benefits and …
Health topics
… may also affect how well you sleep. What are the symptoms? People with insomnia may have trouble falling asleep, … getting good sleep. You also focus on goals such as having healthy sleep habits and creating a sleep schedule. These things can gradually help you …
Health topics
… in partnership with me? Training and experience For most people, a good choice for a primary care physician is a … Write down the diagnosis, the treatment plan, and guidelines for self-care and follow-up visits or calls. Have … called a "hospitalist." A hospitalist specializes in treating hospitalized patients and doesn't see patients …