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Health topics
… you once believed about life, death, and suffering. Some people are able to find comfort, courage, and hope from their beliefs. But if you're like a lot of people, you just feel lost. And that's not because you're … you comfort? Do you feel the need to be alone or with other people? Are there practices in your religion that you …
Health topics
… for a few years and is usually reserved for younger people. What To Expect Recovery depends on the surgical … Osteotomy is an appropriate treatment for younger, active people with osteoarthritis who are able to delay a total … How Well It Works Osteotomy is most often done in younger people. It can help relieve pain and delay the need for …
Health topics
… The doctor will check it for abnormal cells. Most people go home 1 to 4 hours after the procedure. You can … after your procedure, try placing a hot water bottle or heating pad on your lower belly. Why It Is Done An excisional … after your procedure, try placing a hot water bottle or heating pad on your lower belly. Why It Is Done An excisional …
Health topics
… crust over. They usually heal in 7 to 10 days. For some people, cold sores can be very painful. Some people have the virus but don't get cold sores. They have no … may also be taken daily. This can be especially helpful for people who have frequent and painful outbreaks. There is no …
Health topics
… gambling disorder isn't clear, but certain things put people at higher risk. For example, it seems to run in … groups like Gamblers Anonymous support and educate people who are trying to regain control of their life. … to find resources and referrals for people who want to quit gambling. If you're thinking about …
Health topics
… shares his thoughts about the basics. Dr. Keller, many people have low back pain. When someone sees you about low … is often a question of how someone deals with pain. Some people have a high tolerance for pain; others have a lower … can also be a red flag. What's really important for people to know? Dr. Keller: If there is no nerve damage or …
Health topics
… though rare, is most often seen in critically ill people in hospital intensive care units. In these cases, … Pain for more than 6 hours, particularly after meals. Older people may not have fever or pain. Their only symptom may be … will depend on your symptoms and your general health. People who have gallstones but don't have any symptoms may …
Health topics
… reason other than exercise, high fever, or stress. For most people who have SVT, the heart still works normally to pump … or surgery. What are the symptoms? When your heart is beating fast from SVT, you may feel a fluttering in your … breath. A pounding pulse. You may feel or see your pulse beating, especially at your neck, where large blood vessels …
Health topics
… (ADHD) is highly likely to continue into adulthood. People with symptoms of impulsivity often: Are impatient … attention span based on the person's age. People with symptoms of inattention may: Have trouble … (ADHD) is highly likely to continue into adulthood. People with symptoms of impulsivity often: Are impatient …
Health topics
… will join the call to assist you.  Deaf and hard of hearing People who are deaf and hard of hearing can contact 8-1-1 … Services (VRS) sign language interpretation is free for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired. …