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3993 results found
Health topics
… But their illness episodes do not last as long (from 1 to 6 months), and they may not have as many problems getting … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… because of growth hormones. Pregnancy. In the last 3 to 4 months of pregnancy (third trimester), insulin resistance is … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… or xerostomia (say "zee-ruh-STO-mee-uh"), occurs when your mouth doesn't make enough saliva. Saliva helps you chew, swallow, and digest your food. It also neutralizes the acids that form in your mouth. Over time, dry mouth can lead to dental …
Health topics
… Overview Overview It is normal for your child to be moody or somewhat grouchy as they get … sleeping or is sleeping too much. Has had changes in eating habits that led to weight gain or loss or not making … sleeping or is sleeping too much. Has had changes in eating habits that led to weight gain or loss or not making …
Health topics
… food with you at all times. These foods can quickly raise your blood sugar level. Eating quick-sugar food raises your blood sugar in 10 to 15 … 6 Life Savers Diabetes in Children: Treating Low Blood Sugar Diabetes-Related High and Low Blood …
Health topics
… Meal Planning On this page: Overview Overview Planning your meals can help you eat more nutritiously, reduce trips … grocery list shown below as you follow these steps: Get out your cookbooks and plan several main meals. Make a list of … other busy nights when you don't have time to cook. Check your pantry for all the ingredients called for in recipes. …
Health topics
… . The adenoids are above the tonsils and behind the nose. Your doctor will do the surgery through your mouth. You will be asleep. Most people go home that … To Expect You may need to be watched closely after surgery. Your care team will watch: Your blood oxygen levels. For …
Health topics
… the signs can be hard to recognize. Signs that may mean your child is in pain include: Changes in usual behaviour. Your child may eat less or become fussy or restless. Crying, … side effects. Pain isn't a visible symptom, so you and your child's treatment team will need to rely on your child …
Health topics
… Gas (flatus) is made in the stomach and intestines as your body breaks down food into energy. All people pass gas, … prevent it? You may be able to prevent gas by changing your eating and drinking habits. Examples of gas-producing foods … prevent it? You may be able to prevent gas by changing your eating and drinking habits. Examples of gas-producing foods …
Health topics
… Overview Print this form and fill in the information if your doctor recommends that you have a surgical procedure. … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …