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3987 results found
Health topics
… Record On this page: Overview Overview Your doctor may ask you to keep a record of your child's temper tantrums before you bring your child in for a physical examination. It's a good idea …
Health topics
… ticks and deer that carry ticks are most commonly found in your community. Avoid those areas if possible. Cover as much of your body as possible when working or playing in grassy or … shirt, and long pants with the legs tucked into your socks. Keep in mind that it is easier to spot ticks on …
Health topics
… that can happen if you stop taking or reduce the dosage of your antidepressant too quickly or if you miss doses. It can … diarrhea. You may also: Have trouble sleeping. Feel sick to your stomach. Feel dizzy or light-headed. Have a tingling, burning, or pricking sensation on your skin. Feel anxious. Feel irritable. Have a low mood. …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview As your due date draws nearer, learn and practice controlled … for pain management during childbirth. Concentrating on your breathing can help distract you from pain, relax both your muscles and your mind, and keep your oxygen supply up. …
Health topics
… feel temperature, touch, pain, or sharpness on one side of your body. This may lead to injuries such as: Cuts and scratches. These can happen if your nails aren't kept short and smooth. For example, if you can't feel sensations in your feet, you won't know if your toenail is cutting into …
Health topics
… most important things are how often you breastfeed or pump your breasts and how well your breasts are emptied. So the more often you feed your baby and empty your breasts, the more milk your body …
Health topics
… every day while you're awake, especially while you're on your feet. Specially fitted compression stockings are tight … there are different types, it's best to use the kind that your doctor recommends and that work best for you. How do … stockings? Compression stockings can be a part of your daily routine. If they fit right, they should be snug …
Health topics
… Overview Have you ever had an aching back or pain in your neck when you were anxious or stressed? When you have anxiety or stress in your life, one of the ways your body responds is with muscle tension. Progressive …
Health topics
… you learn more? What is dehydration? Dehydration means that your baby has lost too much fluid. This can happen when a … in enough breast milk or formula. Diarrhea, vomiting, or sweating can also cause a baby to lose too much fluid. Common … in enough breast milk or formula. Diarrhea, vomiting, or sweating can also cause a baby to lose too much fluid. Common …
Health topics
… all the time, not just when you have back pain. Keep your back in the neutral position—not too curved and not too … breaks to stretch and restore the neutral position of your back. When lifting, lift with your legs, not your back. See a picture of proper lifting …