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3987 results found
Health topics
… and activity level. Babies' hands and feet may feel cool to your touch but that does not mean they need to be dressed … 3 or 4 days, or if it appears to be getting worse, or if your child develops a fever, contact your doctor right away. When you or your child has a rash, …
Health topics
… condition in which muscles are tight or stiff. For example, your hand may stay clenched in a fist or your knee may be hard to bend. At times the muscles may jerk or spasm uncontrollably. It can interfere with your ability to move, speak, or walk. What causes it? …
Health topics
… cause injury. Following some basic safety measures can help your child have fun and play safely. Find playgrounds that … they can safely sit in the middle of a standard swing. Help your child be safe when on the equipment. Have your child use both hands on the swings. Don't allow more …
Health topics
… and anal areas. The doctor may ask you questions about your symptoms and risk factors. Risk factors are things that … doesn't kill the HPV infection that causes them. Talk to your doctor if you want to treat visible genital warts. The … they go away. If you decide to treat genital warts, talk to your doctor. There are medicines that you or your doctor can …
Health topics
… sex. If you're pregnant and infected, you can pass it to your baby during delivery. What are the symptoms? Many … pain in the scrotum. Conjunctivitis . How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and your sexual history. You may also have a …
Health topics
… to person. Having an impaired immune system may increase your chance of getting this rash. What are the symptoms? … pink, red, tan, brown, purple, or grey-black, depending on your skin colour. The patches often have fine scales and may itch. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor often can tell if you have tinea versicolor by …
Health topics
… footnote 1 Sexual harassment may include: A put-down of your gender. Flirting when you've made clear it's not welcome. Sexual comments or gestures about your body or lifestyle. Pressure for sexual favours. Sexual … places or things that remind you of what happened. Avoid your friends, family, and other people. Have trouble …
Health topics
… chronic pain and with pain caused by a sickle cell crisis . Your doctor or a pain treatment specialist can help you make … medicines, plenty of fluids, and comfort measures such as heating pads or hot water bottles. Do no use heating pads with children. Painful events can become severe …
Health topics
… for the development of the cell. You inherit half of your genetic information from your mother and the other half from your father. Genes, alone or in combination, determine what …
Health topics
… fact that these machines let you control the intensity of your activity. They may tell you your heart rate, calories burned, or miles covered. Fitness … Treadmills. Treadmills let you walk or jog while seeing your time, distance, and speed. Many have adjustable …