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1422 results found
Health topics
… it treated? Treatment for osteoporosis may include adopting healthy habits and taking medicine to reduce bone loss and … the risks and benefits with your doctor. How can you stay healthy when you have osteoporosis? You can slow osteoporosis with new, healthy habits. If you smoke, quit. Limit your use of …
Health topics
… temperature of the painful arm or leg with the matching, healthy one. For instance, if your left arm hurts, your … CRPS includes moving your painful limb, especially when any movement of that limb causes you severe pain. But … temperature of the painful arm or leg with the matching, healthy one. For instance, if your left arm hurts, your …
Health topics
… have long-term heart or lung problems or an infection like COVID-19. Choose a device that has been approved to give … have long-term heart or lung problems or an infection like COVID-19. Choose a device that has been approved to give …
Health topics
… away. And do this about every 20 minutes. Make time for movement. This can be as small as shifting from sitting to … away. And do this about every 20 minutes. Make time for movement. This can be as small as shifting from sitting to …
Health topics
… and help make family decisions. Encourage them to eat healthy foods , and emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Get the stress out Finding ways to get … 2 to 5 Years Growth and Development, Ages 6 to 10 Years Healthy Habits for Kids Helping Your Child Build Inner …
Health topics
… even if the effort didn't meet your standard. Allow movement. Some children with ADHD feel driven to keep some … first. Then ask your child to repeat your instructions. Use movement to accomplish tasks. Teach your child to whisper or … even if the effort didn't meet your standard. Allow movement. Some children with ADHD feel driven to keep some …
Health topics
… helps build a stronger relationship going forward. 1. Model healthy behaviour Why it matters: Attitudes and actions are … as they grow up. Restoring the relationship: Practise healthy self-reflection in order to explore the …
Health topics
… sports. Feel, think, and sleep better. Reach and stay at a healthy weight. Build lean muscle. Lower their risk for … are some things you can do to help your child be active and healthy. Stay positive. It's important for children to have … and schoolwork. Avoiding injuries Any repeated movement or impact can cause an overuse injury. These …
Health topics
… numbers alone. Lifestyle changes include: Eating heart-healthy foods. Losing weight if you need to, and staying at a healthy weight. Being active on most, if not all, days of … include: Sudden numbness, tingling, weakness, or loss of movement in your face, arm, or leg, especially on only one …
Health topics
… excited or angry with other people. You may have odd body movements, such as often rocking back and forth or making … have wishes and goals for your life. You most likely want healthy relationships with your partner, family, and … may help you find ways to remember to take the medicine . A healthy lifestyle The symptoms of schizophrenia can make it …