1422 results found
Health topics
… immune system. This treatment is meant to keep the fetus healthy until the baby is mature enough to be delivered. … to wear off. If the fetus was given medicine to prevent movement, it may be several hours until the mother can feel … immune system. This treatment is meant to keep the fetus healthy until the baby is mature enough to be delivered. …
Health topics
… helps you feel full. It also helps you have regular bowel movements. But a low-fibre diet is often needed after bowel … raisins, or figs Raw fruit Popcorn Healthy Eating Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: … raisins, or figs Raw fruit Popcorn Healthy Eating Current as of: March 1, 2023 Author: …
Health topics
… tendons, and muscles around it can shorten and get weaker. Movement also pumps fluid in and out of the joint space, which helps your knee stay healthy. When you don't move as much, you lose some of that … in and out of the joint space, which helps your knee stay healthy. When you don't move as much, you lose some of that …
Health topics
… changes in behaviour or mental state, and problems with movement. Eye (chorioretinitis), symptoms include eye pain … for testing. How is toxoplasmosis treated? In an otherwise healthy person who is not pregnant, treatment is not needed. … before you eat or prepare any food. Have someone who is healthy and not pregnant handle raw meat for you. If this is …
Health topics
… in your area that can help. What are some tips for a healthy lifestyle? Whether you drink a little or a lot, it's important to have a healthy lifestyle. Here are some things you can do to stay healthy: Be active . Try to get 30 minutes of activity or …
Health topics
… they are less likely to get croup. Staying up to date on COVID-19 vaccines and getting an influenza (flu) vaccine … they are less likely to get croup. Staying up to date on COVID-19 vaccines and getting an influenza (flu) vaccine …
Health topics
… be uncomfortable for people with varicose veins. Stay at a healthy weight Staying at a healthy weight, and losing weight if you need to, may help … be uncomfortable for people with varicose veins. Stay at a healthy weight Staying at a healthy weight, and losing …
Health topics
… having trouble moving your arm? Pain or swelling can limit movement. Yes Difficulty moving arm No Difficulty moving arm … using the MSA process (gentle exercise). MSA stands for movement, strength, and alternate activities. Movement. Resume a full range of motion as soon as you can …
Health topics
… throughout your pregnancy. What can you do to help have a healthy pregnancy? You can help yourself and your baby be as healthy as possible: Go to all your doctor visits so that you don't miss tests to catch any new problems. Eat a healthy diet that includes protein, milk and milk products, …
Health topics
… to help you find one, or check with your local hospital. Healthy eating and activity help you control blood sugar "You don't have to follow a strict diet. Focus on healthy eating," O'Brien says. "There's no 'good food' or … to help you find one, or check with your local hospital. Healthy eating and activity help you control blood sugar …