2846 results found
Health topics
… who bullies may need professional counselling to learn healthy ways to interact with people. … 11 to 14 Years Growth and Development, Ages 6 to 10 Years Healthy Habits for Kids Current as of: October 20, …
Health topics
… comes on quickly and gets better after 2 to 3 weeks. Most healthy people who get acute bronchitis get better without … comes on quickly and gets better after 2 to 3 weeks. Most healthy people who get acute bronchitis get better without …
Health topics
… many kinds of bird flu, the most common kinds that concern health workers are H5N1 and H7N9 bird flu viruses. These … means that anyone, including those who are otherwise very healthy, can get seriously ill if they get bird flu. What … about bird flu: Canadian government. Visit www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/avian-influenza-h5n1/s… for …
Health topics
… Most people with Parkinson's disease can eat the same healthy, balanced diet recommended for anyone. This includes … about nutrition. Getting Enough Fibre Healthy Eating Parkinson's Disease Current as of: …
Health topics
… such as ketchup and salad dressing. Don't be fooled by "health foods." Some of them may be low in saturated fat and … Syrup. Comparing Sugar Substitutes Healthy Eating Citations Government of Canada … food. Government of Canada. https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/healthy-eating-recommendations/limit-hi… . Accessed …
Health topics
… baby's scheduled checkups. In addition to talking about health problems, your doctor may talk with you about … Down syndrome also can provide support and encouragement. Healthy ways to cope with this lifelong condition. What … Down syndrome also can provide support and encouragement. Healthy ways to cope with this lifelong condition. What …
Health topics
… uneasy talking to your doctor about the issue of abuse, but health care providers have a professional duty and legal … actions or lack of actions that interfere with a child's healthy development. Withholding emotional support, … actions or lack of actions that interfere with a child's healthy development. Withholding emotional support, …
Health topics
… How can you help prevent DVT from travel? Even if you are healthy and have a low risk of blood clots, a long flight or … How can you help prevent DVT from travel? Even if you are healthy and have a low risk of blood clots, a long flight or …
Health topics
… choice. That's because hirsutism usually isn't a sign of a health problem. Treatments include: Birth control pills. … may be able to reduce unwanted hair growth by reaching a healthy weight. Some women prefer to use various home … may be able to reduce unwanted hair growth by reaching a healthy weight. Some women prefer to use various home …
Health topics
… higher or lower than average based on your age and your own health. For example, your risk may be higher if you have … risk will be lowered depends on how high your risk was to start with. Not everyone with atrial fibrillation has the … risk for having a stroke. Monty, age 72 My doctor says I'm healthy and that my stroke risk is low. I don't want to take …