2846 results found
Health topics
… snack foods. Follow the recommendations below to include healthy fats in your diet. DASH recommends that a little … come from fats. And most of these calories should come from healthy fats such as vegetable oils, nuts, and fish. Very …
Health topics
… in your child's body. It can also help your child stay healthy. This treatment is called antiretroviral therapy … medicines as directed have a good chance of living a long, healthy life. Talk with your doctor if you or your child has …
Health topics
… go into remission with weight loss, diabetes-focused healthy eating, and exercise. Their bodies are still able to … diet, or insulin use. Talk to your doctor before you start taking aspirin every day. Aspirin can help certain …
Health topics
… rehabilitation (rehab) program. In cardiac rehab, a team of health professionals provides education and support to help you recover and start new, healthy habits, such as eating healthy and getting more …
Health topics
… caused by viruses include: Chickenpox (varicella). This starts as red bumps that turn into blisters and then scab … could be causing the blisters? Think about whether you started getting blisters after you began using a new … and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, …
Health topics
… blood sugar levels. And it may help you reach and stay at a healthy weight. What is the recommended daily amount of … your diet to help boost your fibre intake. If you do this, start slowly with 1 teaspoon (5 mL) a day. Gradually …
Health topics
… prediabetes. These changes include losing weight, eating healthier foods, and getting more exercise. The medicine … Even if you take metformin, it is important to make as many healthy lifestyle changes as you can. Doing both of these … and heart disease. Help you feel better overall. If you start slowly and follow your doctor's advice, there are few …
Health topics
… and alcohol and substance use Helping your teen make safe, healthy decisions about alcohol and substance use can reduce their risk of harm. Alcohol and young people How to start a conversation with teens about alcohol Substance use …
Health topics
… on your heart. After repairing the valve, the doctor will restart your heartbeat. How the repair is done depends on how … your mitral valve, it is still important to eat a heart-healthy diet, get regular exercise, stay at a healthy …
Health topics
… of the test is recommended before having genetic testing. Public health experts do not recommend genetic screening for … of the test is recommended before having genetic testing. Public health experts do not recommend genetic screening for …