1475 results found
Health topics
… to seek help as early as possible so you can enjoy a healthy pregnancy and reduce the likelihood of postpartum … especially untreated, may experience the following: Unhealthy eating habits and poor weight gain Using tobacco and … that will work best for you. Take care of yourself . Eat a healthy diet, be physically active, get enough sleep, manage …
Health topics
… heart disease and diabetes. For most people, the goal for a healthy waist is: footnote 1 Less than 102 cm (40 in.) for … heart disease and diabetes. For most people, the goal for a healthy waist is: footnote 1 Less than 102 cm (40 in.) for …
Health topics
… job or to travel to another country. Keeping your child healthy at home, daycare, or school It's impossible to … your child from all contagious illnesses. But you can teach healthy habits to help reduce your child's risk of … lungs, making infections more likely. Keeping your child healthy in public areas When in a public area, such as an …
Health topics
… take the place of turning the person. Keeping the skin healthy Keeping the person's skin clean and moisturized can help keep their skin healthy. Help them bathe as often as needed to be clean and … nutrition and plenty of fluids can also help the skin stay healthy and heal if it's damaged. Provide a healthy diet, …
Health topics
… is slower than normal. A slow heart rate can be normal and healthy. Or it could be a sign of a problem with the heart's … not cause any problems. It can be a sign of being very fit. Healthy young adults and athletes often have heart rates of … of another heart condition, so taking steps to live a heart-healthy lifestyle will usually improve your overall health. …
Health topics
… Identify talents and strengths. These can be used to find healthy interests, hobbies, and jobs. Learn ways to resist … seizures, or other severe withdrawal symptoms. Have a healthy lifestyle When you use drugs, you often get away … of good health. Here are some things you can do to stay healthy: Be active . Try to get 30 minutes of activity or …
Health topics
… Care Overview How can you stay healthy on your trip? The best way to stay healthy on your trip is to plan before you go. If you are … Should you see a doctor when you return? If you were healthy during your trip and you feel well when you return …
Health topics
… a very small part of the heart that causes bad rhythms. A healthy lifestyle can help keep your heart strong and healthy. Try to: Quit smoking, if you smoke. Quitting … lower your risk for cardiac arrest. footnote 1 Eat a heart-healthy diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables and other …
Health topics
… your heart regularly. Your doctor will recommend a heart-healthy lifestyle. You may take medicine to help treat or … mild or moderate. Your doctor will likely recommend a heart-healthy lifestyle. You may take medicines to prevent or … life by doing things that help keep your heart and body healthy. Here's how. Have a heart-healthy lifestyle. If you …
Health topics
… day Joe decided to take on a new project: to keep his heart healthy. Joe's plan Joe and his doctor talked about his … decided that he could try lowering his risk with some heart-healthy changes. They made a plan. He would eat more heart-healthy foods. And he would take a half-hour brisk walk most …