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1475 results found
Health topics
… that support health professionals and families to raise healthy children. Based on best practices, these … documents provide new parents with information on having a healthy pregnancy and providing information they need to … Baby’s Best Chance provides easy-to-read tips on having a healthy pregnancy and giving your baby a good start in life. …
Health topics
… care of yourself too. If you are a caregiver, you must stay healthy enough to help. You are an important part of their … Taking your medicines exactly as prescribed. Having a heart-healthy lifestyle. Don't smoke and avoid second-hand smoke. Stay at a healthy weight. Lose weight if you need to. Be active. Ask …
Health topics
… or bypass surgery. Your doctor will make the bypass with a healthy piece of blood vessel from another part of your body. Then the doctor will attach, or graft, the healthy blood vessel to the narrowed or blocked artery. The … the incisions in the skin over your sternum and where your healthy blood vessel was taken. The wire will stay in your …
Health topics
… How to count carbohydrates Here are some tips for eating a healthy, balanced diet when you count carbs. Work with a … Nuts and seeds, fatty fish, and avocados are other healthy fat sources. Planning your daily amount of carbs … How to count carbohydrates Here are some tips for eating a healthy, balanced diet when you count carbs. Work with a …
Health topics
… wear compression stockings. Get regular exercise. Stay at a healthy weight. Avoid long periods of standing or sitting. … wear compression stockings. Get regular exercise. Stay at a healthy weight. Avoid long periods of standing or sitting. …
Health topics
… artery bypass surgery along with medical therapy (a heart-healthy lifestyle and medicines). Don't have coronary artery … what you choose, you still take medicines and have a heart-healthy lifestyle. This decision is for people who have … 2 months. Whether you have surgery or not, having a heart-healthy lifestyle and taking medicine give you the best …
Health topics
… adapt to changes caused by a stroke. Medicine and a heart-healthy lifestyle can help prevent another stroke. Your … amphetamines, and cannabis. Being overweight. Not eating healthy foods. Not getting enough physical activity. Using … high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Have a heart-healthy lifestyle. Don't smoke. If you need help quitting, …
Health topics
… vegetables, and unprocessed meats. Calcium Important for healthy bones and teeth; helps muscles relax and contract; … artichokes, "hard" drinking water. Phosphorus Important for healthy bones and teeth; found in every cell; part of the … nickel, silicon, vanadium, and cobalt. Healthy Eating Vitamins: Their Functions and Sources Weight …
Health topics
… people from germs that could make them seriously ill. Even healthy people can get very sick from infections. Anyone, from healthy babies to older people who don't have health … people from germs that could make them seriously ill. Even healthy people can get very sick from infections. Anyone, …
Health topics
… Good health habits can also help protect your skin. Eat a healthy diet with enough protein and fluids. This will help keep your skin healthy and able to heal quickly. Stay at a healthy weight, without swings of gain or loss. Weight …