1147 results found
Health topics
… move to the brain and cause a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) . The narrowing in an artery is called … will take medicine. You also will be encouraged to have a heart-healthy lifestyle. Some people also have a procedure … You may also take medicine to help manage blood pressure. Heart-healthy lifestyle A heart-healthy lifestyle can help …
Health topics
… artery bypass surgery along with medical therapy (a heart-healthy lifestyle and medicines). Don't have coronary … matter what you choose, you still take medicines and have a heart-healthy lifestyle. This decision is for people who … surgery is open-chest surgery. Its risks include heart attack, stroke, and death. Recovery usually takes at least 2 …
Health topics
… of the pericardium, which is the sac that surrounds your heart. Pericarditis usually doesn't cause serious problems. … is called pericardial effusion . Sudden pressure on the heart and sudden difficulty pumping enough blood. This is … Viral infection. This is the most common cause. Heart attack. Chest injury. Recent heart surgery. Certain …
Health topics
… that damages the body. It can cause damage to the brain, heart, eyes, or kidneys. A hypertensive emergency needs … emergency can cause: Bleeding in your brain or body. Heart attack. Stroke. Heart failure. Kidney failure. Eye …
Health topics
… ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) means that the muscle of the heart's main pump (left ventricle) has become thick and … the left ventricle has to work too hard. This part of the heart needs to be strong to pump oxygen-rich blood to your … heart failure. It can also help lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. Medicines and lifestyle changes are used …
Health topics
… not feel like doing the things you need to do to keep your heart healthy. And this can raise your risk of having a heart attack. Getting help from your doctor Many people wonder if …
Health topics
… blood clot can form in another part of the body (often the heart) and travel through the bloodstream to the brain. … ways to adapt to changes caused by a stroke. Medicine and a heart-healthy lifestyle can help prevent another stroke. … to the brain. For example, clots may form: After a heart attack. As a result of other problems that change the blood …
Health topics
… (top number). It shows how hard the blood pushes when your heart is pumping. The second number is the diastolic … (bottom number). It shows how hard the blood pushes between heartbeats, when your heart is relaxed and filling with … High blood pressure increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, and other problems. What causes it? Experts don't …
Health topics
… lets blood leak (regurgitate) from the lower chamber of the heart back into the upper chamber. Your heart has to work harder to pump this extra blood. Primary … by a problem that happens all of a sudden, such as a heart attack. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of chronic mitral …
Health topics
… angina? Angina is a symptom of coronary artery disease , or heart disease. For most people, it feels like chest pain or … shoulders or arms. What causes it? Angina happens when the heart muscle doesn't get enough oxygen. This most often … or you are smoking. With unstable angina or a heart attack , symptoms are different from your typical pattern of …