2093 results found
Health topics
… are getting the prescribed daily amount of sodium in your diet. Make a chart with 3 columns and as many rows you need … ___________milligrams (or ______ grams) of sodium in my diet each day. Meal Foods and beverages consumed during the … are getting the prescribed daily amount of sodium in your diet. Make a chart with 3 columns and as many rows you need …
Health topics
… helps build a stronger relationship going forward. 1. Model healthy behaviour Why it matters: Attitudes and actions are … as they grow up. Restoring the relationship: Practise healthy self-reflection in order to explore the …
Health topics
… show that depression is a disease, just like asthma or heart failure. Here are some myths and facts about depression. … to get over it any more than you can make asthma or a heart attack go away. "Only people who are very depressed or …
Health topics
… causes toxoplasmosis. You can get the infection by: Eating infected meat that hasn't been fully cooked or … with the parasite pass it on to others through their feces. Eating anything that has touched infected cat feces, … baby and check for the infection. How is it treated? In healthy people, the infection often goes away on its own. …
Health topics
… Lifestyle changes may help. These changes could include healthy eating, regular exercise, and cutting back on alcohol and … step is to make lifestyle changes. These are things like eating healthy, limiting things that make your symptoms …
Health topics
… Why are beta-blockers used? Beta-blockers are used for many heart and blood vessel problems. They relax blood vessels and make your heart beat more slowly and with less force. They lower blood … may be used if you have: Coronary artery disease. Heart failure. High blood pressure. Heart rhythm problems. …
Health topics
… covered typically include: Fetal growth and development Healthy eating and nutrition during pregnancy Pregnancy changes and …
Health topics
… diabetes also puts you at risk for cataracts and glaucoma. Heart and blood vessels. High blood sugar damages the lining … the arteries, or atherosclerosis . It can lead to stroke, heart attack, peripheral arterial disease, or heart failure. Erection problems can be an early warning sign of …
Health topics
… you very tired. But know that your baby will soon start eating more at each feeding, and you won't need to … such as La Leche League. Your Health and Nutrition A healthy lifestyle—including having a balanced diet, getting plenty of rest, and being active—is important …
Health topics
… urinary tract infection Could you be having symptoms of a heart attack ? If you're having a heart attack, there are … more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, … Low Back Pain: Exercises to Reduce Pain Good Posture for a Healthy Back Stress and Back Pain Using Cold and Heat …