3825 results found
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… Or they may feel that by having a mastectomy, they are taking every possible action they can to prevent the return … Or they may feel that by having a mastectomy, they are taking every possible action they can to prevent the return …
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… if you've never been a patient in one before. But by taking the time to learn about how hospitals work and what … Medical Tests: Questions to Ask the Doctor Monitoring Your Medicines in the Hospital Preventing problems Prevent … you leave the hospital to stay as healthy as possible. Taking charge of your health after you're home is one of the …
Health topics
… or nerve damage. Bisphosphonates are usually the first medicines prescribed for Paget's disease. They often make … the disease under control. If you still have pain while taking your prescribed medicine, you can try: An … the disease under control. If you still have pain while taking your prescribed medicine, you can try: An …
Health topics
… episodes may need IV therapy for fluids and powerful pain medicines, such as morphine, to ease the pain. You can … your doctor. This plan should include not only the types of medicines you can take at home but also other actions you … episodes may need IV therapy for fluids and powerful pain medicines, such as morphine, to ease the pain. You can …
Health topics
… have a risk of blood clots, talk to your doctor before taking a long trip. Your doctor may want you to wear … Coughing up blood. Fainting. Rapid pulse or irregular heartbeat. Anxiety or sweating. Call your doctor now if you … Coughing up blood. Fainting. Rapid pulse or irregular heartbeat. Anxiety or sweating. Call your doctor now if you …
Health topics
… locked cabinet. This includes cleaners and other chemicals, medicines, makeup, perfumes, and other products that can … locked cabinet. This includes cleaners and other chemicals, medicines, makeup, perfumes, and other products that can …
Health topics
… and pubic hair all may be affected. Not all chemotherapy medicines cause hair loss. Talk to your doctor about what … hair. Do not dye your hair or get a permanent while you are taking chemotherapy or having radiation treatments to your … hair. Do not dye your hair or get a permanent while you are taking chemotherapy or having radiation treatments to your …