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3825 results found
Health topics
… may be more likely to have a cleft lip if: You use certain medicines while you're pregnant. You use alcohol or illegal … may be more likely to have a cleft lip if: You use certain medicines while you're pregnant. You use alcohol or illegal …
Health topics
… You can get these logs from companies that make diabetic medicines and supplies. Or use a home blood sugar diary. … the memory storage feature of your meter and other note-taking features. Find out if your doctor can transfer the … the memory storage feature of your meter and other note-taking features. Find out if your doctor can transfer the …
Health topics
… don't always find an infection. We don't mind taking the time to use a condom to reduce our risk, and we … us. It's always been easy for me to stick to a routine, so taking my pills every day was no problem. We may decide to … don't always find an infection. We don't mind taking the time to use a condom to reduce our risk, and we …
Health topics
… digestion If you've ever had an upset stomach or a case of heartburn, you know how painful digestive problems can be. … Burping . Constipation . Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) . Heartburn . Peptic Ulcers . Diverticulitis . Gallstones: … and Younger Abdominal Pain, Age 12 and Older Acid-Reducing Medicines Adjustable Gastric Banding Surgery Anal Cancer …
Health topics
… may be able to help you get treatment and help support you. Medicines. Medicines can help relieve symptoms like sleep problems, chronic pain, and headaches. Medicines can also help if you have anxiety, depression, or …