1023 results found
Health topics
… Overview Cardiomyopathy is a disease that affects the heart muscle and the way it pumps. There are different types … Cardiomyopathy may occur as a result of damage to the heart, such as from a heart attack, or a person may inherit the tendency to …
Health topics
… cardiomyopathy is a serious problem that makes your heart muscle stiff. When your heart muscle is stiff, it can't stretch to allow enough … the ventricles . So blood that would normally enter the heart backs up in your circulatory system. Most of the time, …
Health topics
… coronary syndrome is an emergency. It happens when the heart is not getting enough blood. The coronary arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. If these arteries are narrowed or blocked, the heart does not get enough oxygen. This can cause unstable …
Health topics
… tachycardia? Ventricular tachycardia is a type of fast heart rhythm that starts in the lower part of the heart (ventricles). The heart might beat more than 100 beats per minute. Some forms …
Health topics
… Basics What is cardiac arrest? In cardiac arrest, the heart suddenly stops beating. This causes blood to stop pumping to the body. If the heartbeat is not restarted within minutes, the person will … sudden cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is different from a heart attack, which happens when part of the heart muscle …
Health topics
… (CABG) surgery works very well to improve blood flow to the heart. But the procedure is very invasive to your body for … It involves making a large cut in your chest to expose your heart and arteries. It requires stopping your heart and connecting you to a heart-lung bypass machine. The …
Health topics
… 1, 2023 Cardiovascular diseases can increase your chance of heart attack, stroke and even death. Up to 25% of Canadians … cardiovascular disease including coronary artery disease, heart failure and high blood pressure, which is the most … exercise is safe and can improve: The health of your heart and blood vessels Physical fitness and function …
Health topics
… kar-dee-oh-my-AWP-uh-thee") happens when the heart muscle grows too thick. The heart gets bigger , and its chambers get smaller. Many … a normal life with few problems. But in some people: The heart doesn't get enough blood and oxygen, which can cause …
Health topics
… balloon pump (IABP) is a mechanical device that helps the heart pump blood. It is a long, thin tube called a catheter … The balloon inflates and deflates in the same rhythm as the heart. It helps the heart pump blood to the body. An IABP is usually for …
Health topics
… pacemaker (say "by-ven-TRICK-yuh-ler") to treat heart failure. This pacemaker sends electrical pulses to … called leads. The leads go into different chambers of your heart. If there is a problem with your heartbeat, the pacemaker sends a painless signal through the …