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Health topics
… are obese have a higher risk of: Birth defects, such as a heart defect or neural tube defects . Being too large. This … How much you can eat depends on: How much you weigh when you get pregnant. Your body mass index (BMI) . How much … or midwife more often. But you'll have the same type of tests to look for problems and make sure your baby is …
Health topics
… A suprapubic catheter is a thin tube that drains urine from your bladder. The tube is put into your bladder through a … drain the urine into the toilet or other container. You may need a suprapubic catheter if you have nerve damage, a … on preventing infection. How can you care for yourself when using the catheter? Wash your hands before you handle …
Health topics
… Psoriatic arthritis causes swelling, stiffness, and pain in your joints, such as in the fingers and toes. Other joints … changes in your skin and nails. You may also have imaging tests, such as X-rays, and blood tests. How is psoriatic … your joints and ease pain. Try these tips: Rest your joints when they are sore or overworked. Ask your doctor or …
Health topics
… Many people choose to donate organs upon their death. If you decide to become an organ donor, you won't be denied life-saving care when you need it. Provincial laws and emergency medical … or for educational purposes. Organs to donate include: Heart. Liver. Pancreas. Lungs. Kidneys. Intestines. Hands. …
Health topics
… disease , or GERD, is the most common cause of esophagitis. When you have GERD, stomach acid and juices flow backward … are the symptoms? Common symptoms of esophagitis include: Heartburn. Pain when you swallow. Trouble swallowing food or … ask about your symptoms and past health. The doctor may do tests such as: An endoscopy . During this test, the doctor …
Health topics
… of the leg. In a few people, it shifts toward the inside. Your knee joint is a complex hinge that joins the two bones … you may have: Pain in the front of the knee, especially when you squat, jump, kneel, or use stairs (most often when … symptoms, be sure to see your doctor. A dislocated kneecap needs to be put back in place by a doctor right away. How is …
Health topics
… Overview Print this form and fill in the information if your doctor recommends that you have a surgical procedure. … What is the name of the surgical procedure? Why do I need surgery? How soon should surgery take place? What might … (both immediate and long-term)? If a biopsy is being done, when can I expect to hear the results, and will my doctor …
Health topics
… GERD: Controlling Heartburn by Changing Your Habits Actionset Overview Symptoms of gastroesophageal … likely to occur. Take your spouse or partner along with you when you go to your doctor to discuss diet habits. It will …
Health topics
… regulate the way your body uses energy. Problems can happen when your hormone levels are out of balance, like with … different, such as being extremely tired or having a fast heart rate. But hormone levels can drop as a result of a … can help you learn about hormone functions, disorders, and tests so you can know how to manage your hormone health. Get …
Health topics
… There are many different styles of hearing aids. And you can add special features to your hearing aids. All … get with hearing aids (feedback). Feedback happens most when your hearing aid is loose in your ear. Styles of … You are more aware of sounds close to you. Your footsteps, heartbeat, or car motor may be much more noticeable. With …