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Health topics
… pus. Anyone can get an ingrown toenail, but adults get them more than children do. People who have curved or thick … toenail can have a number of different causes. Cutting your toenail too short or rounding the edge of the nail can … because the toe might get infected. Do not try to use a needle to drain the pus from your toe. This could make the …
Health topics
… by health care workers and people who provide first aid when they may be in contact with blood or body fluids. … providing health care. These precautions also help protect you from exposure to a potential infection from your health … first aid. Are blood and body fluid precautions always needed? The best practice is to always use blood and body …
Health topics
… less than people who eat meat. Are less likely to die of heart disease. Have lower cholesterol levels. Are less … Eating a Healthy Diet A vegan or vegetarian diet can give you most of the nutrients you need. As long as you eat a … fortified with vitamin D. Your body can produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight on a regular basis. You may need a …
Health topics
… formed on normal bone. Most people think of something sharp when they think of a "spur," but a bone spur is just extra … diagnosed? A bone spur is usually visible on an X-ray. If you're having problems related to bone spurs, such as … they are causing pain or damaging other tissues. When needed, treatment may include seeing a physiotherapist for …
Health topics
… is amblyopia? Amblyopia is a childhood problem that happens when one eye is weaker than the other. The brain chooses to … eye and ignore images from the weaker eye. This means that your child uses the strong eye more than the weak eye. If … is causing the amblyopia, such as a cataract, it also needs to be treated. Treatment is best started before age 6 …
Health topics
… likely to stay interested. In the elementary school years, your child will enjoy testing out their physical abilities. … physical achievements too. Here are play ideas to encourage them to keep moving. On this page: Everyday physical … children Most elementary school-age children still need plenty of free play activity such as running and …
Health topics
… to a vitamin. It is found in every cell of the body. Your body makes CoQ10, and your cells use it to produce … but levels are particularly high in organ meats such as heart, liver, and kidney, as well as beef, soy oil, … important for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. When using natural health products, keep in mind the …
Health topics
… Boosting Your Metabolism On this page: Overview … well your body burns energy to keep up basic functions like heartbeat, breathing, and thinking is called your basal … Burn off extra body fat that you already have. What to do When you eat more calories than your body burns in a day, …
Health topics
… Information Overview It can be very painful to tear or rip your nail from the nail bed. A nail may separate from the … long fingernails. The nail may pry away from the nail bed when it is hit or jammed. Severe or repetitive toe stubbing … or skin condition that caused the separated nail will also need to be treated. File any sharp edges smooth, or trim the …
Health topics
… background in nursing gives them a unique perspective on your health. The nursing lens focuses on health promotion, … medical and physical assessments Order and interpret tests, such as medical imaging and bloodwork Diagnose … the team in your community will get in contact with you when a provider becomes available. Some communities also …