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Health topics
… is sometimes called "hardening of the arteries." It occurs when fat (cholesterol) and calcium build up inside the … buildup may narrow the artery. Atherosclerosis in the heart (coronary) arteries is called coronary artery disease. … (carotid or cerebral arteries), a stroke can occur. If you have this buildup in one of your arteries, there's a …
Health topics
… bone. These problems are hard to treat and slow to heal. When pressure injuries don't heal well, they can cause … also occur in places where the skin folds over on itself. You can help a person avoid pressure injuries by helping … they don't get in the way. If the person can help You may need to help the person scoot toward the opposite side of …
Health topics
… signals through a controlled path, or maze, to the lower heart chambers (ventricles). The maze procedure can be done … To Expect Recovery from a maze procedure depends on how your surgery was done. Recovery will likely be longer for an … in about 9 people out of 10. footnote 2 You may need to take heart rhythm medicine ( antiarrhythmics ) after …
Health topics
… of having sex because of back pain can be a big problem. If your sex life has suffered because of back pain, take heart. Many people have faced this problem. And there are … be good or bad for your back. Some back problems cause pain when you bend forward. Others cause problems when you arch …
Health topics
… enough and too much training. Overtraining usually occurs when the body does not have enough time to recover from the stress of intense training. You may be overtraining if: You constantly feel tired or … level of fitness. You suddenly lose weight. Your resting heart rate has gone up by 5 beats per minute. You have lost …
Health topics
… many active ingredients . Talk with a pharmacist if you have any questions. Over-the-counter medicines used to … (oral) can cause you to feel nervous or shaky, have a rapid heart rate, or have trouble sleeping. If you have high blood … them for more than 3 days in a row. They can cause symptoms when you are not having allergy symptoms. This effect is …
Health topics
… Overview Grief is a normal and healthy reaction that occurs when you lose someone or something important. Although it is … or orderly fashion. Give yourself all the time you need to identify, accept, and express your emotions. Your …
Health topics
… Spirituality and Your Health On this page: Overview … religious and non-religious experiences alike. Include the need to find answers to questions about the meaning of life, … come to mind for you. What am I thankful for? How do I feel when I focus on gratitude? What are my sources of strength? …
Health topics
… arrhythmias that occur because the normal pacemaker of the heart (the sinus node) does not work properly. Sick sinus … fast and slow arrhythmias. These include: Periods of time when the sinus node does not fire at all (sinus pauses) and … it may not be treated. Treatment may be a pacemaker. You and your doctor can decide what treatment is right for …
Health topics
… of the person we most want to be. Exploring what's holding you back A good place to start is to ask a simple question: … "I don't know what would help me." "Too many people need me." "Everything else seems more important." "I don't … of these things seems like something you could try now? When do you think you could start? …