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Health topics
… Information Overview Travel can make it hard to keep your blood sugar within your target range because of changes … time zones, meal schedules, and types of foods available. Whenever you need to see a doctor away from home, let the doctor know you
Health topics
… or teletherapy, can help people get the support they need. Teletherapy has lots of benefits. Scheduling may be more flexible, so you can choose times that work best for you. You don't have … the therapist. Make your appointment. Try to choose a time when you'll be alone or won't be interrupted. Arrange how …
Health topics
… and in the right position usually don't cause problems. You may have a problem if any of the following occur: Your … or surgeon will open the gum tissue over the tooth if needed and remove the tooth. Sometimes a tooth will be cut … wisdom teeth before a person is 20 years old. Removing them when you're older is harder to do and more likely to cause …
Health topics
… hormones help regulate the way the body uses energy. You need thyroid hormone replacement when you do not have enough thyroid hormones in your blood …
Health topics
… Powder Inhaler Actionset Overview A dry powder inhaler lets you breathe medicine into your lungs quickly. Inhaled … pill. An inhaler lets you take less medicine than you would need if you took it as a pill. A dry powder inhaler delivers … powder. Dry powder inhalers are activated by breathing. When you breathe in through the inhaler, the inhaler puts …
Health topics
… that are extremely hard to treat. Often the first place you have a problem is your feet. When you lose the ability to feel your toes and feet, you … part of the limb will heal so that further surgery is not needed. A serious infection can be life-threatening. In …
Health topics
… bleeding. Small breaks may cause pain that is made worse when you walk or you lift objects. Paget's disease may cause … arm or leg. Rare complications of Paget's disease include: Heart failure . Bone tissue contains many blood vessels. …
Health topics
… diagnosed with RAP. The physical examination and routine tests often do not show any abnormal problems. As with … or dairy foods, may trigger an episode in some children. Your child should not eat any foods that cause abdominal … control if they remember it is "just their usual bellyache" when the pain starts. Be sure that your child has regular …
Health topics
… Regular day routines Implement daytime routines and habits. Your toddler thrives on routine Keep a regular nap schedule, even on weekends (if possible). When your day is very busy and naps are missed, your toddler … stimulating, not relaxing Toddler sleep patterns Toddlers need different amounts of sleep at various ages. Most - but …
Health topics
… can take as little as 6 months or as long as 1 year. When is spitting up a sign of a problem? If your baby starts spitting up after every feeding, there may … she is being fed. He or she may be swallowing too much air when sucking, or you may not be burping the baby enough …