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Health topics
… . High blood pressure usually doesn't cause symptoms. You will probably feel fine, even if your blood pressure is … checked. If you have chronic high blood pressure, you'll need special medical care before, during, and after … You'll have frequent blood pressure checks, blood tests, and urine screening tests. They are done to watch for …
Health topics
… a baby Last updated October 14, 2019 It's not something you plan for, but some women lose their babies through … loss can be devastating; it's important to seek help if you need it. Losing a baby may bring grief, guilt and despair. … bracelets or a lock of hair. You may not be able to look at them or you may think you don’t want them, but this could …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview You may be able to tell when someone is paranoid. The person may accuse others of … you, you should call for help. Use simple directions, if needed. Tell the person that no harm will come to him or her …
Health topics
… or sharp sensations and may be able to tell where and when the sensation occurs. When a young child is in pain, the signs can be hard to recognize. … example, admitting that they are in pain might mean blood tests, which may be painful themselves. Some children may …
Health topics
… children's self-confidence and self-concept. And this helps them to manage and overcome future challenges. … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… alcohol use . It is a type of dilated cardiomyopathy . The heart muscle is weakened and cannot pump blood efficiently. If your heart gets weaker, you may develop heart failure. Alcohol in …
Health topics
… getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Here are some details to help you learn more. What are the benefits? Getting the vaccine … have symptoms. So getting the vaccine can help save lives. When more people get vaccinated, the disease is less likely … conditions or COVID-19 is spreading in your area, you will need to wear a mask in public indoor and crowded outdoor …
Health topics
… in both men and women, although men have a lot more of them. In women, androgens are produced by the ovaries or the … problem that can cause this hair growth. How is it treated? Your doctor may want to do blood tests or other tests to find out if a medical problem is …
Health topics
… gland to release thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). When the hypothalamus and pituitary are working normally, … hormone slows things down. They: Control the rate at which your body burns calories (your metabolism). This affects … you gain or lose weight. Can slow down or speed up your heartbeat. Can raise or lower your body temperature. Change …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Things that put you at risk for coronary artery disease are the things that … Smoking. Being overweight. A family history of early heart disease. Early heart disease means you have a male family member who was …