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… the past. There are two main ways that radiation is done. When it is given from a machine outside the body, it's … bladder cancer. Or it may be given during surgery or while you are getting chemotherapy. Or it may be given after other … become pregnant or father a child). Harm to your lungs or heart. In rare cases, a second cancer caused by exposure to …
Health topics
… Nipples On this page: Overview Overview You have choices for the types of bottles and nipples you use to feed your baby. Here is some information to help. … second. Bottle nipples come in a variety of shapes. You may need to try a few different types of nipples until you find …
Health topics
… part of the roof of the mouth ( soft palate and uvula ). When the soft palate and uvula are stiffer, they are less likely to vibrate and you are less likely to snore. What To Expect After the … for you to notice a decrease in your snoring. You may need additional treatments if the first one doesn't decrease …
Health topics
… Getting your pregnancy passport Last updated August 8, 2013 … about and discuss with your care provider relating to your needs throughout your pregnancy, birth, and after your baby … after your baby's birth A place to record check-ups and tests Places to write down goals, questions, ideas, …
Health topics
… over time. The presence or lack of symptoms may help your doctor determine whether acute kidney injury or chronic … In these people, acute kidney injury is usually diagnosed when routine tests show a sudden increase in creatinine and blood urea …
Health topics
… with ASD have irregular brain function. More study is needed to find the cause of these irregularities. But … process sensory stimulation from the outside world. Your child may: Either be in constant motion or fatigue … easily or go back and forth between the two. Withdraw when touched. Refuse to eat certain foods because of how the …
Health topics
… firm and tighten the skin of the face and neck. It can make you look younger. It may remove many wrinkles, but it does … skin on your neck. Sometimes more or fewer incisions are needed. How many you need will depend on your age, the … Scarring. Blood clots in large veins travelling up to the heart and lungs ( pulmonary embolism ). This is not common. …
Health topics
… their arthritis symptoms. Some of these treatments may help you move more easily and deal with the stress and pain of … some natural health products may cause problems if you take them with another medicine. Complementary treatments … getting worse. Some natural health products may be safe when you take them on their own. But they may not be safe if …
Health topics
… of independence by practicing skills and doing things for themselves, such as getting dressed or brushing their teeth. … to allow them the satisfaction of taking care of their own needs as appropriate. For example, allow your child to work on getting dressed with elastic pants and …
Health topics
… active means doing any kind of activity that gets your body moving. The types of physical activity that can … include: Aerobic or "cardio" activities . These make your heart beat faster and make you breathe harder, such as brisk … walking, riding a bike, or running. They strengthen your heart and lungs and build up your endurance. Strength …