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Health topics
… Information Overview Muscles get stronger when they are used regularly, but especially when they have … something. This is called "resistance." For example, you use your arm muscles when you bend your arm at the … rebuilds the muscles and the connective tissues between them (joints, tendons, and ligaments). This prepares them
Health topics
… the incisions. The doctor is able to use the scope to see your organs and do the surgery. The type of surgery you have depends on your health needs. With either type of surgery, the incisions will leave … Caring for Your Ostomy Why It Is Done A colostomy is done when part of your colon or rectum has been removed and the …
Health topics
… 13 to 21 On this page: If your child with Down syndrome is an adolescent or young … your feelings and plan for your child's long-term care needs. Your child should receive health care from a … types of future services will be needed, who will provide them, and how you will pay for the services. Your doctor …
Health topics
… is endurance fitness. This is any activity that uses your body’s large muscle groups and helps you have a stronger heart and lungs. Here are some things to keep in mind if … to a moderate level of intensity. This means raising your heart rate and causing you to sweat and breathe more …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview If "practicing mindfulness" makes you think of yoga mats and stretchy pants, you're probably … alone. But mindfulness is a tool for everyone. You don't need to be anywhere special or have the "right stuff" to do … of its breath. Or see if you can feel the bump-bump of its heart beating against your hand. As you do this, take deep, …
Health topics
… Helping Your Child Build a Healthy Body Image On this page: Overview … may become more aware of body image as they compare themselves to others. Adolescents often become extremely … about the things they do, not always on how they look. When commenting on how children look, focus on their eyes, …
Health topics
… and non-prescription medicines can cause confusion or make you less alert. A few examples are: Antidepressants. … in people who have become dependent. Some medicines need to be stopped gradually to prevent problems. Examples of medicines that can cause problems if you stop them suddenly include prednisone, clonidine, and many …
Health topics
… birth control pills, blood thinners, cancer medicines, and heart medicines. Check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking this supplement. St. … treatment and rely only on a natural health product. When using natural health products, keep in mind the …
Health topics
… cause injury. Following some basic safety measures can help your child have fun and play safely. Find playgrounds that … ages. Closely supervise children younger than age 5. Have them play on the equipment separately from older children. … in the middle of a standard swing. Help your child be safe when on the equipment. Have your child use both hands on the …
Health topics
… the Doctor On this page: Overview Overview Use this form if your doctor recommends a special treatment, such as … questions What is the name of the treatment? Why do I need this treatment? What might happen if I delay or avoid … Are there any other treatment options? If so, describe them: What is the next step if this treatment doesn't work? …