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Health topics
… services? Outpatient services are medical procedures or tests that can be done in a medical centre without an … services? Outpatient services usually cost less because you don't need to stay overnight. Staff members at … of medicine, such as orthopedics (bones) or cardiology (heart). These centres, like many hospitals, have advanced …
Health topics
… syndrome? Cushing's syndrome is a rare problem that happens when you have too much of the hormone cortisol in your body. … such as high blood pressure , type 2 diabetes , and heart disease. How is it diagnosed? Cushing's syndrome can … other than medicine is causing your symptoms, you may have tests, such as: Tests to check the level of cortisol and …
Health topics
… But in rare cases, it may cause more serious problems. If you are pregnant and get infected with the rubella virus, … syndrome (CRS). CRS can cause hearing loss, eye problems, heart problems, and other complications. Rubella also is … chance of birth defects, although it doesn't always prevent them. Children with congenital rubella syndrome have been …
Health topics
… Information What are temper tantrums? If you have a young child, you probably know what temper … less. And most children stop having tantrums by age 4 or 5, when they learn healthy ways to handle strong emotions. Why … or valuable items out of your child's reach. You'll need to say "no" to your child less often. Know what to …
Health topics
… Overview Setting an easy daily or weekly goal can motivate you to walk for your health. Experts recommend at least 2½ … store, doctor appointments, work, school, or shopping when you can. You could walk a lap around the grocery store … an example they'll follow as they grow older. Being safe when you walk The weather, the time of day, and where you
Health topics
… A hiatal hernia (say "hi-AY-tul HER-nee-uh") happens when part of your stomach bulges up through the diaphragm … hiatal hernia have no symptoms. One symptom you may have is heartburn , which is an uncomfortable feeling of burning, … hernia often is diagnosed when you see your doctor or have tests for another health problem. If you have symptoms, your …
Health topics
… Bunions: Should I Have Surgery? Decision Point You may want to have a say in this decision, or you may … It's not clear which type of surgery is best. Surgery needs to be tailored to your condition. More than one … you make important health decisions. I was really surprised when I read that fewer people have painful bunions in parts …
Health topics
… and salt and other minerals ( electrolytes ) in your blood. When your kidneys stop working, waste products, fluids, and … as kidney or liver disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart failure, or obesity. You are already very ill and are … stay for another cause. If you are already in the hospital, tests done for other problems may find your kidney problem. …
Health topics
… the flow of blood from the veins of the legs back to the heart. The veins of the legs might not work as they should. … aching, a heavy feeling in the legs, or varicose veins. You may also have skin problems like itching, sores, or … the knee. Prop up your legs above the level of your heart when lying down. Varicose Veins …
Health topics
… a pill. It can also be a liquid. An overdose can occur if you swallow, snort, or inject fentanyl. You can't overdose … the instructions that come with the medicine. You may need to give a second dose. (You can give naloxone even if you're not sure the person has overdosed. It won't hurt them.) Call 9-1-1 or other emergency services right away. …