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Health topics
… . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer attention to … cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, and congenital heart disease. Steroid medicines, which are used to treat a variety of conditions. Medicines taken after organ transplant. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer. …
Health topics
… cancer, stroke, blood clots, and possibly dementia and heart attack. The health risks linked to HT are not high for … This can reduce your symptoms and also lower your risk of heart disease and other long-term problems linked to aging. Eat a heart-healthy diet, get regular exercise, don't smoke, and …
Health topics
… you. You may need to take antibiotics if you: Have certain heart problems that make it dangerous for you to get a heart infection called endocarditis . Have an impaired … or have man-made body parts, such as an artificial heart valve. Current as of: November 14, 2022 …
Health topics
… too much sodium. Healthy Eating: Eating Heart-Healthy Foods Heart Failure: Avoiding Triggers for Sudden Heart Failure Kidney Disease: Changing Your Diet Mitral …
Health topics
… the flow of blood from the veins of the legs back to the heart. The veins of the legs might not work as they should. … These valves normally keep blood flowing toward the heart. But damaged valves allow some blood to leak backward. … at the knee. Prop up your legs above the level of your heart when lying down. Varicose Veins …
Health topics
… The most common side effects of NSAIDs are stomach upset, heartburn, and nausea. NSAIDs can cause a severe allergic … These problems include stomach or intestinal bleeding. Heart attack and stroke. This is especially true if you have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. This risk …
Health topics
… with grocery shopping. And you can help your loved one eat heart-healthy foods by helping to cook meals and make … appointments. Help keep track of medicines. People with heart disease typically take a few medicines each day. Make … other people is good for your loved one and for his or her heart. Sometimes living with coronary artery disease can …
Health topics
… embryos have the beginnings of a brain, eyes, ears, heart, lungs, liver, and other organs. They have tiny bumps … time to grow. Their muscles will soon start working. Their heart and brain have divided into their major parts. … embryos have the beginnings of a brain, eyes, ears, heart, lungs, liver, and other organs. They have tiny bumps …
Health topics
… But any activities (including daily chores) that raise your heart rate can be included. You notice your heart beating faster with this kind of activity. Vigorous … fast, or cross-country skiing. You breathe rapidly and your heart beats much faster with this kind of activity. It's …
Health topics
… nausea and sore throat can occur. In rare cases, heart or breathing problems or other serious issues can … anesthesia, some people get headaches. In rare cases, heart or breathing problems or nerve damage can occur. Your … your chances of problems from anesthesia. Examples include heart and lung problems, obesity, and sleep apnea. Taking …