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Health topics
… can lead to bone thinning ( osteoporosis ), kidney damage, heart problems, or even death. If you or someone you know … imbalances and changes in metabolism that can lead to heart problems, such as arrhythmia and even death. … with bulimia and now: Cannot pass urine. Notice that your heart skips beats or beats slower than normal. Have severe …
Health topics
… dangerous if they block blood flow from the leg back to the heart or move to the lungs. They are more common in older … complication like a joint infection, a blood clot, or a heart attack within 3 months after surgery. If you are older … A blood clot. Infection or wound-healing problems. A heart attack. Instability in the joint. Dislocated kneecap. …
Health topics
… do to prevent and control many health problems, such as: Heart disease. High blood pressure. Type 2 diabetes. Some … to stay healthy and lower your risk of diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Calories Calories, the energy in … , carbohydrate , and fats for energy. They keep your heart beating, your brain active, and your muscles working. …
Health topics
… to Prepare for a Colonoscopy Diabetes: Lower Your Risk for Heart Attack and Stroke Diabetes: Making Medical Decisions … to Prepare for a Colonoscopy Diabetes: Lower Your Risk for Heart Attack and Stroke Diabetes: Making Medical Decisions …
Health topics
… bleeding or rupture of the membranes Dizziness Pounding heartbeat (palpitations) or unusual sensations in your chest … vessel that returns blood from your lower body to your heart. As your pregnancy advances (usually during the second … bleeding or rupture of the membranes Dizziness Pounding heartbeat (palpitations) or unusual sensations in your chest …
Health topics
… physical examination. Tests that may be done include: Fetal heart monitoring. This is to assess your baby's condition … physical examination. Tests that may be done include: Fetal heart monitoring. This is to assess your baby's condition …
Health topics
… Staying Active Healthy Eating Healthy Eating for Children Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Weight Management Current as … Staying Active Healthy Eating Healthy Eating for Children Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Weight Management Current as …
Health topics
… Depending on where the bubbles are, you could have a heart attack or a stroke. Decompression sickness. Often … Depending on where the bubbles are, you could have a heart attack or a stroke. Decompression sickness. Often …
Health topics
… has been proved to cure diseases such as cancer, diabetes , heart disease , or digestive problems. If it sounds too good … has been proved to cure diseases such as cancer, diabetes , heart disease , or digestive problems. If it sounds too good …
Health topics
… tell you to keep your wrist higher than the level of your heart and to use cold packs or ice to reduce swelling. Your … tell you to keep your wrist higher than the level of your heart and to use cold packs or ice to reduce swelling. Your …