1056 results found
Health topics
… of Birthmarks Complications of Ear Infections Congenital Heart Defects in Children Congenital Hydrocele Congenital … of Birthmarks Complications of Ear Infections Congenital Heart Defects in Children Congenital Hydrocele Congenital …
Health topics
… Similar to Depression in Children and Teens Congenital Heart Disease: Caring for Your Child Contraceptive Sponge … Similar to Depression in Children and Teens Congenital Heart Disease: Caring for Your Child Contraceptive Sponge …
Health topics
… . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer attention to … . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer attention to …
Health topics
… get better. You have dizziness along with symptoms of a heart attack. These may include: Chest pain or pressure, or … Light-headedness or sudden weakness. A fast or irregular heartbeat. You have symptoms of a stroke, such as: Sudden … get better. You have dizziness along with symptoms of a heart attack. These may include: Chest pain or pressure, or …
Health topics
… Coughing up blood. Fainting. Rapid pulse or irregular heartbeat. Anxiety or sweating. Call your doctor now if you … do a physical examination. This will include checking your heart and lungs and checking your legs for warmth, swelling, … Coughing up blood. Fainting. Rapid pulse or irregular heartbeat. Anxiety or sweating. Call your doctor now if you …
Health topics
… . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer attention to … . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer attention to …
Health topics
… So you may be more likely to get health problems such as heart disease. For this reason, you need to have your … So you may be more likely to get health problems such as heart disease. For this reason, you need to have your … So you may be more likely to get health problems such as heart disease. For this reason, you need to have your …
Health topics
… are obese, smoke, or have serious health problems, such as heart disease or diabetes. These conditions increase your … are obese, smoke, or have serious health problems, such as heart disease or diabetes. These conditions increase your … are obese, smoke, or have serious health problems, such as heart disease or diabetes. These conditions increase your …
Health topics
… in university, but that was decades ago. My doctor says my heart is healthy. If I had the test and they found a small … in university, but that was decades ago. My doctor says my heart is healthy. If I had the test and they found a small … in university, but that was decades ago. My doctor says my heart is healthy. If I had the test and they found a small …
Health topics
… months after your treatments are finished. In rare cases, heart damage and a higher risk of other types of cancers, … months after your treatments are finished. In rare cases, heart damage and a higher risk of other types of cancers, … months after your treatments are finished. In rare cases, heart damage and a higher risk of other types of cancers, …